Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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Zimbabwe snare collector gets motorbike

A wildlife activist in Zimbabwe who has been waking up at 5 o'clock every morning, 365 days a year, and walking through the bush collecting snares has been rewarded with a motorbike to use during his work. Steve Kok has been living in the…

Strike Forces Postponement Of Bennett Trial

The treason trial of MDC Treasurer General and Deputy Agriculture Minister-Designate Roy Bennett failed to take off Monday due to the on-going strike by civil servants.   “The matter has been postponed indefinitely until the strike is…

Zimbabwean Man Claims He Is Zuma's Son

Johannesburg: - A 30 year old Zimbabwean man is claiming to be President Jacob Zuma's son. According to the South African Saturday Star, Dudzai Nyamuramba of Wedza, says Zuma met his mother, Maggie Sandimunyonga, while in exile in…

Mugabe pays security goons $5,000 a day

By Jon Swain in Harare WHEN President Robert Mugabe arrived in Geneva to attend an international telecommunications summit last October, he was greeted at the airport by a crack team of security officials from Zimbabwe’s secret service,…

Tsvangirai rejects Mugabe directive

By Constantine Chimakure Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has rejected a circular emanating from President Robert Mugabe’s office directing ministers to report to his two vice-presidents - Joice Mujuru and John Nkomo - instead of to him as…

Pandemonium in parliament over sanctions

Pandemonium broke out in parliament on Wednesday after a ZANU PF legislator proposed to move a motion calling Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai to call for the lifting of targeted economic and travel sanctions imposed on President Robert…

Election whistleblower living in fear

By Tichaona Sibanda Shepherd Yuda, the 38 year-old former prison officer, famed for exposing how Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party rigged the ballot in the 2008 Presidential run-off, revealed on Wednesday he still receives threatening letters…

MDC-M's Chaibva Defects To Zanu PF

Former MDC legislator for Harare South constituency Gabriel Chaibva has rejoined Zanu PF in an apparent bid to revive his waning political fortunes. Chaibva, a national executive member in the smaller MDC party led by Deputy Prime Minister…

Court allows disputed Bennett email

By Nelson Banya HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's High Court on Wednesday admitted disputed email evidence implicating opposition politician Roy Bennett     in a plot against President Robert Mugabe's government. Bennett, a white farmer and a…

Mugabe's son inherits mother's IQ

President Robert Mugabe’s last born son, Chatunga Bellarmine Mugabe flunked his 2009 Grade 7 examinations, it has emerged. Meanwhile, some observers have likened his grades to his mother’s dismal academic performance, contrary to his father…