Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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ZMC to licence private newspapers soon

By Nelson Banya HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's newly appointed media commission will soon start licensing private newspapers, the press body said on Friday, in a move that is part of reforms agreed by the country's power-sharing government.…

Rivals under fresh pressure in Zuma talks

By Godfrey Marawanyika  HARARE — Zimbabwe's rival leaders faced fresh pressure Thursday to mend their differences and push toward new elections, as South African President Jacob Zuma led talks on the fragile unity government. …

Crucifier Chemhere jailed 18 months

By Innocent Ruwende THE Harare businessman who nailed together the hands of a homeless 19-year-old man with a six-inch nail after he failed to settle a US$250 debt has been slapped with an effective 18-month jail term. The prosecution…

Zuma to visit Zimbabwe to ease tensions

JOHANNESBURG — South African President Jacob Zuma is set to visit Zimbabwe this week in a new bid to ease political tensions between President Robert Mugabe and Premier Morgan Tsvangirai, his office said Monday. Zuma will make a…

Gay Herald journalists caught in the act

Harare – Two senior Zimbabwe Newspapers Group male journalists in Harare have been suspended after they were caught red handed engaging in homosexual acts in the newsroom at Herald House, Zimdiaspora can reveal. Sources at Herald House…

Tsvangirai weeps as victims narrate

By Bernard Mpofu The  anguish on Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s face said it all as Rutendo Munengami, wife of Glen View North MP Fani Munengami, yesterday narrated her ordeal when 10 armed men beat her up and raped her in her home.…

Jestina Mukoko meets Michelle Obama

Washington- Former ZBC newsreader and Zimbabwe Peace Project director Jestina Mukoko met United States First Lady Michelle Obama at the International Women of Courage Awards ceremony this week. Mukoko was among 9 other human rights…

Jonathan Moyo loses court case

By Never Kadungure Attention seeking former Information Minister Jonathan Moyo was humiliated at the High Court when his application challenging the election of Speaker of Parliament Lovemore Moyo was thrown out. Lovemore Moyo who is from…

Targetted sanctions helping Mugabe

The sanctions against Zimbabwe are supposed to hurt the clique surrounding president Mugabe. They may be having the opposite effect. By Peter Vermaas in Harare Two young men with dreadlocks hung around idly near a mall in Eastlea, one of…

Jane Mutasa arrested over Telecel scam

By Daniel Nemukuyu Businesswoman and Telecel Zimbabwe board member Jane Mutasa has been arrested on allegations of defrauding the mobile phone service provider of US$750 000 in an airtime scam involving several company employees. Mutasa,…