Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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Zanu PF terror gangs going into parastatals

Mwenezi –Zanu PF has hatched a plan to conscript members of its youth brigade into all state parastatals in the area in a bid to make the State-owned companies pay salaries for its militia. Sources in Mwenezi East district said all…

MDC activist detained unlawfully for 5 days

A Bulawayo-based MDC activist Shadreck Chifamba was last week detained for five days at Bulawayo Central Police Station on false charges that he had insulted President Robert Mugabe. Chifamba, 35, of Ilanga was picked up at his workplace…

Owner threatened for leasing office to MDC

The owner of offices being rented by the MDC Mashonaland Central province in Bindura is being threatened by Zanu PF supporters and State security agents who want him to explain why he has allowed the party to use his premises. The MDC…

Journey to new constitution irreversible

The journey to a new people-driven Constitution is irreversible despite attempts by some retrogressive forces to derail the process, the co-chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee, Douglas Mwonzora has said. Addressing 4 000…

Activist Philemon Sajeni dies

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition sadly announces the passing on of The Coalition’s Finance Officer, Philemon Sajeni on the 14th of July 2009. Sajeni, who worked for The Coalition for more than 4 years, is survived by his wife and two children.…

Mugabe loyalists disrupt meeting

There has been pandemonium at the Harare Conference Centre where the first All-Stakeholders Conference on the New Constitution opened this morning.   Reports from people in the centre have come in and apparently when Lovemore Moyo, Speaker…

HIV ZBC man to pay damages

By Fidelis Munyoro A ZBC engineer who infected his married subordinate with HIV during a long and torrid love affair — where they had trysts in an office at their workplace, a flat, lodge and in a car by the roadside — has been ordered to…

Text of Obama's speech in Ghana

Text of President Barack Obama's speech Saturday in Accra, Ghana, as provided by the White House: OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. It is a great honor for me to be in Accra and to speak to the representatives of the people of Ghana. I am…

Mugabe makes new appeal for unity

HARARE (AFP) — Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Saturday made a new appeal for unity in the country's power-sharing government. "Are we truly united in the inclusive government? Are we truly one? Show it and let us speak with one…

Slang of the UZ's sexual networks

Risky sexual behaviour has a language of its own on at the University of Zimbabwe's (UZ) campus in the capital, Harare. When female students arrive, they join an informal sorority known as the "university spinster association", or USA,…