Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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New Zimbabwe constitution by Feb 2011

Sebastian Nyamhangambiri  HARARE – Zimbabwe’s constitutional committee has said it hopes to produce a new draft constitution only by next February, which could see fresh elections that were initially earmarked for 2011 further delayed. …

Court blocks fake emails in Bennett case

By Tendai Maronga Harare - A High Court Judge on Tuesday barred lawyers for a top official of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party charged with treason from using fake emails bearing the name of Attorney General (AG) Johannes…

COPAC team to start road shows

The Constitutional Parliamentary Committee (COPAC) will be engaging in a series of road shows led by Co-Chairman Douglas Mwonzora.  The team will be at the Chinhoyi Hall at 5 pm on the 22nd of February before moving to Gokwe Centre (11am)…

ZAPU leader blames Zanu PF for sanctions

By Thulani Ncube Former Home Affairs Minister and interim leader of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) Dumiso Dabengwa has blamed his old party Zanu PF for the sanctions imposed on them. He blamed the violent land reform programme…

Dictator Robert Mugabe turns 86

The world’s oldest head of state, President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, turned 86 on Sunday, with no indication that he plans to give up his long hold on power.   Mugabe, who came to power after independence in 1980, has led the southern…

Tsvangirai not in hospital for surgery

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in Zimbabwe has on Saturday denied reports that its leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, was admitted into a South African hospital. The Zimbabwe's main opposition party spokesman Sibanengi Dube said in a…

Government appoints media commission

HARARE – President Robert Mugabe on Friday appointed the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC), one several commission meant to open democratic space and reform Zimbabwe’s politics. Mugabe, whose previous government forcibly closed several…

Biti says talks have reached deadlock

By Tichaona Sibanda Tendai Biti, the secretary-general of the MDC-T and also the chief negotiator for the party, has said dialogue between the three parties is ‘going nowhere’ and that as negotiators they had ‘reached the ceiling.’ Biti,…

No, its Mugabe who killed Archie

British soap EastEnders celebrates its 25th anniversary with its first live episode on Friday. The show will mark the culmination of a long-running plot to discover who murdered Archie Mitchell. BBC bosses have revealed that not even the…

Man Steals Mbanje At Gunpoint

Harare — A DARING Gutu armed robber and confidence trickster who specialised in sleeping over at his victims' homesteads before robbing them of valuables was sentenced to 10 years behind bars for his nightly escapades that included robbing…