Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

‘You cannot be smelling like a dead body’, Q Dube provokes Zimbos again

South Africa based Zimbabwean comedian Q Dube is once again in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, after another video emerged of him urging Zimbabweans to bath so that they don’t smell like dead bodies.

Q found himself on the receiving end of scorn from Zimbabweans several weeks ago after an appearance on a podcast in which he claimed that his greatest fear was smelling like a Zimbo.

“My fear is smelling like a Zimbabwean, so I always bathe,” he said in the segment that triggered a backlash.

Q went on to say Zimbabweans could be identified anywhere through their bad smell.

“No, you know, some of our Zimbabwean brothers. Like when I am walking and I smell a ‘kwapha,’ I am like there is a Zimbabwean here!” he said.

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After facing heavy criticism, he later came out to apologize to his fellow country people.

However another video has emerged of Q seemingly taking offense with the grooming habits of his countrymen.

In the video, Q, who is seen driving around Mzansi as he records himself, advises Zimboz to bath regularly.

“Bath please, it is now summer, it is now hot. We do not want to see any bikinis, any beer, any sweat, we just want to see deodorants and roll on. You cannot be smelling like a dead body when you are alive, bath, please,” Q Dube said.

The video received instant rebukes from social media users, particularly on X.

“Let’s just ignore him. He is just seeking relevance,” one user retorted.
