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Let’s go back to basics in our Christian faith (Part 2)

By Allen Mandishona

The other time we looked at 2 key principles in our Christian faith that have been under attack in our Christian faith in this our 21st century. We looked at two of the five key ‘solas’ in our Christian walk.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ

Let us remember that we had said the word ‘sola’ is a Latin word meaning ‘only’ or ‘alone’. The famous ‘five solas’ were developed in response to specific perversions of the truth that were taught before the reformation period.

They were then used to develop some of the basic Christian values and foundation with our early protestant and reformation church fathers.

We discovered that in total violation of the key 5 ‘solas’ as they were believed by those that went before us, we have many today who disregard principles like ‘we should believe in Christ alone “ and that we should also use scripture alone’ as our ultimate authority or that which carries veracious authority. Would like to look at two other key ‘solas’ from our five ‘solas’, the sola fide and soli deo Gloria.

Sola fide

When talking about ‘sola fide’, the reformers meant that Christians are justified by God through faith alone and entirely apart from any works one may have done or might do. It is no surprise that the doctrine of justification became the chief doctrine of the reformation.

This is one of the two important ‘solas’ regarding the salvation of man with the other one being ‘sola gracia’. Taken together, these two doctrines recognize that our salvation is entirely dependent on the grace of God(‘sola gracia’), who imputes to the believer the righteousness of Christ(justification obtained through faith in God alone). We are saved and then we are also justified, which is like a legal pronunciation of our innocence that is based purely on the righteousness of Christ as it is imputed to us or credited to our account.

The main scripture quoted by the reformers in support of the ‘sola fide’ doctrine was Romans1v17 and Romans3v21-26. Romans 1v17, which is a quotation of Habakkuk2v4,  says “….as it is written, the just shall live by faith..” this verse and this doctrine in particular, teaches that it is only through faith and that faith as it is only placed in God, that we get righteousness of Christ imputed in us which component is necessary for our justification, the declaration of our right standing with God.

It is with sadness and heaviness of heart that when I reflect on the above doctrines in light of today’s practices and tendencies, I see a great divergence, which divergence gave rise to the reformation when Martin Luther came up with the famous 95 theses.

As they say, history repeats itself, we are seeing the rebirth of the perversion of the truth. Although it is no longer coming to us in the fashion of the reformation period, when those that perverted scriptures were teaching justification that rests on the law, now we see it twisted a bit. We now have teachings that we need some special connection and, let me emphasise this, although it is never expressly said out, but it is implied, that that ‘special connection’ with man as used by God, will give us the covering, the right standing with God.

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It is believed by some, that it is so important to get connected to certain men, in order to excel in life and even in order to have a right standing with God. It is as if our righteousness is based on our allegiance to those that lead us, those that cover us, those that hear from God for us. There is a certain feeling of secureness and while it is said the right security is only found in faith in God alone, some are now placing their security needs, ‘spiritual security’ in men, if I can say that.

It is no longer the case of faith in Christ and His finished work alone for our justification, but that faith plus connection to so and so, that faith plus the covering from so and so, that faith plus anointed this and anointed that.

Lest I be misquoted, I fully subscribe to the teaching of anointing as it is taught in scripture and submission to those called by God, but what I do not agree with is the so-called anointed things that bring about practices that violates the scriptures and perverts the truth. God will never use a man to do that which is against His(God’s) written word, not to my knowledge at least.

By then, it was faith plus works of the law. Now It’s becoming faith plus being connected and or covered by so and so. It is as if when one is not under the covering of certain men, then they are in the wrong tent, God forbid! Allegiance to men has grown to the extent that sometimes we hear and see people getting very upset when their leaders have some of their practices questioned in light of scriptures.

That “Berian spirit” of comparing and verifying if what men teaches is in line with the scriptures, is being rejected by many and the reason for that being ‘it creates a spirit of  rebellion’ yet in so doing, many are actually rebelling against God Himself! While we should stand in defence of what we believe in, when we have the vigour and energy to defend men even more than we can defend the owner of the church and His infallible word, then I think we need to revisit our belief system.

This is not only affecting the faith that is necessary for our justification, but even that aspect of faith for our daily living. People now believe that their healing is in Jesus’ name plus anointed water or oil. All that means is faith and something else.

It is high time the church should go back to the basics and start teaching and living a life purely based on the sacred faith in God and in God alone and not in other things. We cannot have faith in God and at the same time believe we need the same protection, just as that which we get from faith in God, to come from anointed oil, anointed water, anointed apples, anointed eggs, even anointed condoms…. The list is just endless, but we need our faith to be in God and God alone.

Soli deo Gloria

This doctrine or principle teaches that to God only belongs glory or we should only give glory to God.

The bible teaches us that God is a jealousy God and that He does not and cannot share His glory with anyone. Glory should only be given to God.

There is a very thin line nowadays as to what constitutes honouring or respecting those called by God and worship. If, for example, one can lie prostrate in honour of a man of God and cannot do anything else better than that in worship or honour of the creator, forgive me to say this, but that will be treading on dangerous ground and that amounts to giving glory to man and not to God. So many things have been said in defence of such practices and that with some verses to support.

When we misquote or misinterpret scripture in order to support that which we want to believe, it’s quite a dangerous thing to do. It’s another area also where we seem to be missing it, failing to interpret scripture in the context of the ‘letter and the Spirit’. The word of God was inspired by His Spirit and we can never have revelation that is against the intended meaning as carried in the word according to that inspiration of God.

We need the Spirit that breathed over the scriptures to illuminate us in interpreting scriptures. Well this can be subject for another day. Suffice it for now to say, whatever we say whatever we do in honour of men called of God, if we cannot do anything better than that in honour of our God, we are in the danger of giving glory to someone else and not to God alone. Glorification and veneration of men is quite dangerous. For the simple reason of accepting more honour as befits created man, Herod was eaten by worms.

Let us go back to basics in our Christian faith. We have seen a lot of perversion but all hope is not lost. We need those He has called to stand up and call a spade a spade, perhaps even re-defining some of our Christian teachings in light of the word, otherwise we have the danger of exposure and even the elect are not spared in all this.

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