Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Chiyangwa’s ‘sex obsessed’ daughter heats up Facebook

By Esther Gomo

Wealthy businessman Philip Chiyangwa might need to invest some lessons in preserving dignity for his ‘sex obsessed’ daughter Memory Chiyangwa who is raising eyebrows on facebook by using sexuality explicit language to talk about her father’s promiscuous sex life and insulting poor people who live in ‘ghettos’.

Memory Chiyangwa who is raising eyebrows on facebook
Memory Chiyangwa who is raising eyebrows on facebook

If the 21 year old Memory Chiyangwa is not talking about how rich and fabulous her family is, she is posting status updates on sex, orgasms, masturbation, premature ejaculations, sex during periods and how sweet she is during sex.

Memory who claims to have studied for a “Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery” at the University of Zimbabwe, even shocked her friends on the 23rd of April this year when she asked for a list of women who had slept with her married father, Philip Chiyangwa.

“Ndiri kukumbirawo kuziva vasikana vakambonyengwa na daddy (Phillip) or even kutorara navo ..??” she asked in Shona on her Facebook wall. Predictably she got a lot of abuse from people commenting on her thread with some accusing her of lacking in respect for her father.

Memory who is believed to stay in the United Kingdom fires back saying her dad does not mind her outrageous posts and that “tumutemo i think twuri ku poverty ikoko if things ar ok hakuna chinoyera- rules are found in poor families, if a family is well off nothing is taboo” she says.

Memory who claims to have studied for a “Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery” at the University of Zimbabwe, even shocked her friends on the 23rd of April this year when she asked for a list of women who had slept with her married father, Philip Chiyangwa.
Memory who claims to have studied for a “Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery” at the University of Zimbabwe, even shocked her friends on the 23rd of April this year when she asked for a list of women who had slept with her married father, Philip Chiyangwa.

In true Zanu PF fashion, she even threatens some of those commenting that “plz guys stop being jealous and make sure mazita enyu vamwe ndekunyepa yu might suffer fo no reason..-make sure your names are fake, you might suffer for no reason,” she warns

One of her friends called Charity, tells her that “Yo family needs some serious therapy and so u know poverty is a relative term compared to Strive Masiyiwa your family are beggars kuma avenues. To be frank vanayo they don’t brag they let their money do the talking on their behalf. So tinyararirewo Memory.”

Memory hits back telling Charity that “inotori nenhamo yako hure rakaita sewe iko kushata but hakukurwadze here .Hona vanhu vauri kuti compare navo takapenga tinorarama nemari dzenyu marema muchimama kuma location kwenyu kunonhuwa ikoko,,@Monalisa if yu need a contract huya kumba kwedu ukwirwe na Bingo becz hse maid wadu hauite.”

Translated, Memory told Charity that they (Chiyangwa family) are rich because they feed of money from fools like her who stay in the ‘locations’ (poor suburbs) which stink. She tells another woman called Monalisa that if she is sex-starved she should come to their house and have sex with their dog ‘Bingo’.

On the 21st of October Memory told her facebook friends “ZANU PF yakatiyambutsa veduwe dayi zvikaramba zvakadaro , ..kwedu zviri ku faya mhuri yeZim iri kutishandira- Zanu PF has helped us cross the bridge, things are going well for us, hope it remains like that, the Zimbabwean family is working for us.”

Several other posts from Memory are packed with sexual innuendos like “kupeterwa pasofa apa dumbu riri uko kunakirwa chete..”. In another post she asks “Can you break virginity while you are wearing a condom????”

In May this year she asked “Ndeupi mukomana anokuda ane future btwn anokushandisira condom or anoda nyoro ..??- which boy who loves you has a future between the one who sleeps with you with a condom and the one who sleeps with you without a condom?”

Memory can also be a bit of a tease. In April she threatened to write down a list of all the celebrities who had asked her out.  “today ndoda kunyora list yema celebrity akambondinyenga …!!,” she said in one status update.

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In the same month Memory also urged her friends to go and celebrate the release of the late serial rapist Madzibaba Godfrey Nzira who was released from prison by President Robert Mugabe where he was serving his 20 year jail term for multiple rape crimes.

“Handeyi tinopemberera kudzoka kwa madzibaba Nzira , Macheso and Kapfupi vachange vachiridza kumasowe…,” she said.

During Mugabe’s 87th birthday on the 21st of February this year she urged him to step down because he was now ‘old’ and should give others a chance.

“Kuita makore akawanda hakuna kuipa hako baba Bona chido chamwari but kubvuma kuti wachembera ndipo pane nyaya , hatipe vamwe mukanawo ..Happy birthday vaMugabe,” she said.

Surprisingly Memory has also built a legion of followers who like her sense of humour and no holds barred approach to life. Whenever she does not post any updates her friends line up on her wall begging her to say something exciting or controversial. “Why are you quiet Memory,” one friend asks, “Facebook is boring without you,” she says.

Below is a collection of Memory Chiyangwa’s outrageous posts

“Chiii chakaitika musi wawatanga kurara nemusikana for the fst tym and how did yu know kuti zvinoitwa nepapa ,, Have been tokng to one of the guys hanzi vakomana tinowanzo dzidzira pahama ..Is dat true and wat do yu think??? 6 April 2011

“Is that true kuti murume anokuda mazuva ekutanga meaning inenge ichimira nekuda kwako but nekufamba kwemazuva inenge yomira nevamwe vanhu but opedzera shungu kwauri wepamba??…Thats y u see ma babe emahwindi etc vachiwona moto nayo …True or False”  25 March 2011.

“vakomana munowona seyi kuti musikana anoda blambi too much or kuti musikana anokuda usati wamunyenga..??” 24 March 2011.

“Guys if yo grlfnd or yo wife says,` isa yese handisi kuyinzwa` , while yu knw yaperera..wat doyu do or wat do yu think ???- if your girlfriend or wife asks you to put all of it inside and yet you know you already have, what do you do?” 22 March 2011.

“‎90% of yu guys hamugoni kutundisa vakadzi and you have full of i know also some they dnt even knw kuti kutunda kwemukadzi kuita sei,..vakadzi vave kungogarira kuti ndodi…Lets help each other guys” 20 March 2011.

“Kuti mukomana azoti unonaka unenge wamboita seyi chaizvo becz ndanzwa nekunzi unonaka but im just simple..” 4 March 2011.

“Wat is the day you will never forget in your life???rangu musi wandakabva humhandara , and YOU ???- the day I will never forget is the day I lost my virginity.” 18 February 2011.

“Varume yedzaiwo kufadza madzimai , most madzimai kungogarira vana kana kumbotundiswawo hupenyu hwake hwese..- men, please try and pleasure your women into getting orgasms, some women just stay around for the sake of the children without reaching a climax the rest of her life.” 16 February 2011.

“is there any problem kusura pabonde????- is ther any problem farting while having sex?” February 2011.

“Nhai veduwe ndabata mumwe musikana achiita bonyora but now im confused kuti ndoita sei ?/ can i ask fo 4gvness or wat since andipa rimwe ziso rakaona and akaridza zitsamwa…” 4 February 2011.

“Is there any prblm 2 hv sex ndiri kuma periods???” 29 January 2011.

“just wake up to say, ` murume wangu unogona kuzviita ndatenda hangu`.,,,hameno kwamuri uko zviri kuzipa here??” 22 January 2011.

Controversial Memory Chiyangwa has also built a legion of followers on facebook who love her sense of humour and outrageous statements
Controversial Memory Chiyangwa has also built a legion of followers on facebook who love her sense of humour and outrageous statements

