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MDC-M's Chaibva Defects To Zanu PF

Former MDC legislator for Harare South constituency Gabriel Chaibva has rejoined Zanu PF in an apparent bid to revive his waning political fortunes. Chaibva, a national executive member in the smaller MDC party led by Deputy Prime Minister…

Court allows disputed Bennett email

By Nelson Banya HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's High Court on Wednesday admitted disputed email evidence implicating opposition politician Roy Bennett     in a plot against President Robert Mugabe's government. Bennett, a white farmer and a…

Mugabe's son inherits mother's IQ

President Robert Mugabe’s last born son, Chatunga Bellarmine Mugabe flunked his 2009 Grade 7 examinations, it has emerged. Meanwhile, some observers have likened his grades to his mother’s dismal academic performance, contrary to his father…

UK parliamentarians expected in Harare

By Andrew Moyo HARARE – A group of British law makers is expected in Zimbabwe next week, in the clearest sign yet of thawing relations between London and its former colony. The group, from the UK Parliament’s International Development…

Mugabe's son fails exams dismally

HARARE - Robert Mugabe's youngest son Chatunga Bellarmine, failed dismally in his Grade 7 examinations, an independent Radio station has revealed. Informed sources at St George’s College in Harare where Chatunga is pursuing his Form 1…

Benjani Sunderland move stalls over wages

Sunderland have targeted Stoke striker James Beattie after their move for Benjani hit problems and a proposed deal for Robbie Keane was deemed too costly. Beattie has travelled to the North East for tonight’s match between Sunderland and…

Anglicans stage protest service in Harare

HARARE — Thousands of churchgoers held an open air protest service in Harare on Sunday in a row over property belonging to the Anglican Church. At least 4,000 worshippers from around Zimbabwe gathered in a square adjacent to the city's…

Mugabe's Security Man Critically Injured

HARARE – One of President Robert Mugabe’s security men was critically injured when his motor bike collided with a truck near Sam Levy’s Village in Borrowdale on Thursday evening. The motorist is likely to be charged with negligent driving…

Zimbabwe 'needs reward for progress'

Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has urged the easing of targeted sanctions, saying there ought to be a reward for Zimbabwe's progress. His party joined a unity government with President Robert Mugabe's nearly a year ago with…

Chamisa: Implement GPA or Hold Elections

HARARE – The Southern African Development Community (SADC) must intervene urgently in Zimbabwe to save the fragile transitional government from collapse or the country must brace for fresh elections, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)…