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Ncube Says Google Killing News Industry

Google is no friend of the newspaper industry. That’s the view of newspaper publisher Trevor Ncube, who agrees with News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch that newspapers need to find ways of charging readers to access content on their websites.…

Negotiators set to present report

By Tichaona Sibanda Negotiators from ZANU PF and the MDC were expected to present a detailed report on the current state of talks between the parties to their principals on Monday. There have been no leaks from the negotiating teams…

Girl (7) raped for freeze-it, court told

A HARARE man accused of sexually abusing a seven-year-old girl in Glen View 1 after he lured her to his house to get a freeze-it yesterday appeared before a Harare magistrate facing rape charges. Andrew Phiri (34) was not asked to plead…

HIV Man Injects Sleeping Wife With Virus

An HIV-positive man has confessed to injecting his blood into his sleeping wife and infecting her with the virus that can cause Aids, reports have said. It is believed the man wanted to give her the disease so she would start having sex…

Botswana to ignore Mugabe over VOA

By Never Kadungure The Coordinator of the Botswana Government Communications and Information Services (BGCIS) Dr Jeff Ramsey said on Friday that his country would ignore Mugabe regime complaints over the hosting of so-called pirate radio…

Wrongfully jailed Nherera speaks out

By Roselyne Sachiti Former Zupco board chairman Professor Charles Nhe-rera, whose conviction on corruption charges was recently quashed by the High Court after he had already served his two-year jail term, says he is not a bitter man and…

Mnangagwa tries to scuttle talks

By Dumisani Muleya The Zanu PF negotiating team in the current round of talks with two MDC formations has angered its party leaders after making critical concessions on the media without consultation, in a move which could see President…

US film star attends Zim HIV Awards

Emmy Award winning actress and Population Services International (PSI) Ambassador, Debra Messing, will visit Zimbabwe next week, and will attend the ninth presentation of the Auxillia Chimusoro HIV and AIDS Awards on December 10. The…

Sally Mugabe Orphanage Abandoned

Goromonzi -An orphanage centre, founded by the late First Lady Sally Mugabe  in Goromonzi is lying  idle with infrastructure dilapidating as a result  of looting  by war veterans. The matron of the Mbuya Nehanda orphanage centre, Auxillia…

Countdown to SADC deadline: The Issues

The following is a list of issues raised at the SADC Troika meeting in Mozambique this year in November and what the political parties have done or not done. SADC set a deadline of 6 December 2009 for the issues to be resolved. Engagement…