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Zimbabwe tops list of UK asylum seekers

Zimbabweans topped the list of nationalities seeking asylum in the United Kingdom for the second year running, with a total of 7 420 asylum applications in 2009, according to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR's) lastest…

Benjani’s sister goes under in Britain

The sister of Warriors captain Benjani Mwaruwari is a suspected illegal immigrant who has gone on the run in Britain. Mwaruwari, 31 - earns £40,000 a week as a striker with the Premiership's side Sunderland, but his sister Maria…

My experience as a lone parent on asylum

My name is Tapiwa. I am a single father of two daughters and we arrived in the UK in August 2003. I had no idea that I would be prohibited from working for the upkeep of my family. It seemed so strange I was told that I would be given money…

Bid to deport Zimbabwean asylum seeker

Shadreck Phiri, a subservient but well-known Zimbabwean who was seized by UK immigration authorities 2 weeks ago is earmarked for deportation to Malawi tonight Thursday, 11th February 2010. He is being held at Brookhouse IRC (a…

Zim asylum seeker in UK gold con

A suspected Zimbabwean bogus gold dealer from Bury, in the United Kingdom has been ordered to stand trial accused of targeting a restaurateur in a £70,000 con. Thabisa Moyo, aged 39, of Mossfield Close, was allegedly a member of a gang…

UK offers cash incentives for return

The UK Home Office has announced that cash and aid repatriation packages worth up to £6,000 are to be offered to failed asylum seekers to go home voluntarily to Zimbabwe. Phil Woolas, immigration minister, indicated at the same time that…

UK plans Zimbabwe asylum removals

The UK Home Office has announced it wants to resume the removal of failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers. Immigration minister Phil Woolas said the ground was being cleared to start enforced returns "as and when the political situation…

UK makes changes to asylum system

Dear Sir/Madam, I wanted to let you know of an operational change we are making to the way we manage applications for asylum and further submissions. A WMS has been published on this issue today outlining the following changes: • Further…

Good news for Zim asylum seekers in UK

By Tichaona Sibanda Thousands of Zimbabwean asylum seekers are to benefit from the relaxation of immigration laws by the British government. From July, the UK government quietly loosened the immigration rules for asylum seekers in order…

UK to grant amnesty to asylum seekers

By Tom Whitehead At least 144,000 asylum seekers will be allowed to stay in Britain due to a backlog of claims. More than 63,000 of the 450,000 historic cases that were found to have slipped under the radar for years have now been told…