Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Forgotten Sugar Sugar speaks out

By Latwell Nyangu

Sungura musician Taruvinga “Sugar Sugar”” Manjokota has spoken out following his absence from the music radar.

Sungura musician Taruvinga “Sugar Sugar” Manjokota
Sungura musician Taruvinga “Sugar Sugar” Manjokota

The Samaita Express boss, now deemed a spent force, insists he is at his best form but making waves away from home.

Sugar Sugar rose to fame with the hit Mairos, which won the hearts of many. His other albums include Zvirimukati, Zvamungarwira and Mari Inoparira.

He has since established himself in South Africa after staying in Mozambique for a moment.

The Mairosi hit maker left Zimbabwe sometime last year and had been criticised for reportedly abandoning his family.

He is set to release his latest seven-track track album Kutsemurirana with songs such as Apirikede, Ndezvevarimuno, Vehuwori (Piracy), Munondichengeta, Zvinowanikwa, Mairosi Pfacha pfacha.

In exclusive interview from his new base, Sugar Sugar said he is doing well contrary to what people have been saying.

“Right now I busy communicating with Paradzai Mesi on how we can organise some shows in Zimbabwe and here is South Africa.

“These shows are by public demand, Mesi is on demand here the same as me.

“My music is being played well here, kuti ava vanonzi vakapera ndivo vari kudiwa zvakadaro nekupera kwavo nekuti ngoma dzavo ndidzo dziri kuvanakidza kunyanya.

“Mairosi haasi kutombochembera (the song), that’s why you have seen that on this new album I have put a song Mairosi Pfacha-pfacha.

“I just brought him back mudariro because Mairosi haasi kudzoka kumashure akutoramba achitoita mukonyo,” he said.

Added Sugar: “It’s a miracle here because when I will be doing shows, friends and promoters are pleased with my music.

“Fans are giving me pressure, and we are planning to come to Zimbabwe with many discs kuitira kuti nehuwandu hwemafans eSugar vakwane to beat piracy so that we cannot be affected by piracy which has destroyed many musicians across the globe,” he said.

Sugar Sugar said life is moving on well in SA.

“I am living large here but sometimes people will be calling me from back home.

“Ikoko ndiko kumusha kwangu zvekuti kana ndikafa ndichangodzoswa ikoko.

“I am worried why people would say I am no longer singing, vanozviwana kupi izvozvo, some sei ndapera, I always hear that being talked about.

“I have never stopped singing, my job is to sing and people love me more than back home.

“I went to Mozambique where they love me more than in my home country.

“Each time I am not home, I will be singing kwese kwandinenge ndiri.

“Hakusi kwese kungasvika maposter especially to those who will be talking what they want, handivarambidze but on my side things are working well,” said Sugar Sugar.

The singer spoke about his family, which he was alleged to have dumped.

“Mhuri yandinonzi ndotiza, hanti ndini ndinenge ndakaida ndega asiwo kana kurambwa kuchisvika pamunhu, warambwa ungamanikidza munhu here kuti wandirambirei.

“I was also rejected nditori murambiwa, I am also a victim of rejection nevakandiramba but my life never stopped although people will be talking rubbish that I have abandoned my family.

“How can I abandon family I was given my God because children are a blessing from God, I thank him for the blessings.

“Kunyange pamwe pacho vanorara nenzara, asi vana ndevangu zvee,” he said.

Sugar talked about his second wife who was staying in Mbare.

“And the children who are said to be in Mbare , mai ivavo vari kuMbare unonzwa vachitaurwa nezvavo, vatoriwo nemurume wavo wawainaye.

“They are staying together, they have children together with that man.

“I think those are the children I abandoned but handina basa nazvo ini , she has her husband, vari kutamba dzavari kutamba ini ndichitambawo dzangu dzandiri kutamba, so long vachiraramawo ini ndichiraramawo.

“There is nothing wrong, I can’t talk much because it won’t give me any benefit because I can’t talk much about someone who was given life by God.”

The musician said there will always be some issues to talk about especially to people who once stayed together.

“They tried me kuda kundinyomba, kundinyudza but God gave me the talent to entertain people everywhere in this world.

“My music is accepted everywhere I go through my original country Zimbabwe because tatova nemukurumbira.

“But at times it’s not easy to be popular because we are being asked about other countries because of the fame that we have now.

“We are now known since we can meet promoters whom we wished to meet in this industry kunyange taiva vasekiwa.

“We are now being loved in Zambia, Tanzania, Botswana and here in South Africa.

“I came here without anything but now I have since bargained more support from different people.

“Sango rinopa waneta, ndakaramba ndichingofamba until I got assistance from well-wishers,” said the musician.

Added Sugar Sugar: “It has been a year since I produced this project and I am not working, but I am enjoying pension from singing.

“Mafans anoti hatidi kuti uite rimwe basa vanongondipa mari ndisingashande.” H Metro
