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Air Zim debt paid because Mugabe needed plane

HARARE- Government made frantic efforts to pay off a US$1,5 million debt to secure the release of an Air Zimbabwe plane impounded in London mainly because President Robert Mugabe wanted to use it on his medical trip to the Far East.

How can a ballpoint pen fight with a gun?

Democratic transition has not occurred in Zimbabwe in spite of the fact that Mugabe and ZANU-PF have previously lost elections. And the reason is clear. The security sector, which for the past decade or so has been running government affairs with Mugabe and others acting as a civilian facade, has not allowed the will of the people to prevail.

Zanu PF resists reforms to notorious CIO

HARARE- An Executive Commission to run the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) is on the cards as part of efforts by the coalition government to make the dreaded and secretive body accountable for its actions.

Man fondles mother-in-law’s buttocks

BULAWAYO- A punch-drunk man from Bulawayo’s National Railways of Zimbabwe Westgate compound is in trouble with his in-laws after he mistook his visiting mother-in-law for his wife and fondled her buttocks.

Dynamos, Caps United to invade South Africa

HARARE giants Dynamos and CAPS United have been invited to add a foreign flavour, to a high-profile four-team football tournament in South Africa next month, that will also feature Super Diski clubs, Mamelodi Sundowns and Black Leopards.

Prophet Makandiwa buys Benz for newly weds

HARARE- Popular evangelist Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa sprang a surprise when he splashed newly-weds Michael Mahendere and Vimbai Nyatsambo with a Mercedes-Benz E320 during the couple’s wedding at Paradise Gardens at the weekend.

Missing boy’s family endures bleak Xmas

HARARE- As most families were drinking and partying celebrating Christmas, the mother of Given Flint Matapure says she has a big hole in her heart. Given went missing at the Harare Exhibition Park on August 22 this year.