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Mugabe plan to rig next election exposed

Mugabe was anxious to get endorsed as the party’s candidate because he is aware of how unpopular he has become in the party. A running thread in all the WikiLeaks cables involving Zanu PF politicians is that they all view Mugabe as a liability to the party and would rather see his back soon writes Charles Mangongera.

Mugabe declined US exit package: WikiLeaks

HARARE- The United States government offered President Robert Mugabe an exit package which would have guaranteed a soft landing for the octogenarian leader just prior to the 2008 harmonised elections. The offer was declined. The US government was confident that Mugabe would be defeated in the elections.

Mugabe spokesman confirms working with army

HARARE- Presidential spokesman George Charamba may land in hot soup following revelations that he was working closely with hardliners, who include army generals, to manage President Robert Mugabe ahead of elections envisaged for 2012.

Jonathan Moyo tops 2011 noise makers

HARARE – Political turncoat, serial flip-flopper, media hangman, and former Information minister Jonathan Moyo emerged as the noisiest politician in 2011, according to observations by the Daily News. Moyo tops the newspapers’ Noise Makers of the Year 2011 list

Urban groover Madiz inspired by Macheso

HARARE- Itai Madzikura aka Madiz, one of the pioneers of urban grooves is buying music instruments and could be playing with a live band as early as next month. By doing this, Madiz, now a high-riding rhumba artiste could take his music career to another level.

Murape on Maringwa champions league snub

HARARE- With the Caf registration window set to close at midnight today, Dynamos midfielder Murape Murape still believes the club should have registered captain Desmond Maringwa for next year’s Champions League tournament.

Dynamos unveil Pasuwa at press conference

HARARE- Dynamos coach Callisto Pasuwa has revealed that he cannot wait for the new season to start after he was unveiled as the substantive coach of the Glamour Boys in Harare yesterday. Pasuwa who led the club to a league and cup double in the last season finally put pen to paper.

MDC-T senator died of bird flu

BULAWAYO – Gladys Gombami-Dube the mainstream MDC senator for Mabutweni died of bird flu, a family spokesperson told journalists at her house in Mpopoma high density suburb on Wednesday. Family spokesperson Samuel Gombami said that postmortem results released on Tuesday in Harare shows that she died of bird flu.

Chamisa selected cabinet minister of the year

HARARE – Information and Communication Technology (Development) minister, Nelson Chamisa joined the league of Zimbabwe’s finest performing ministers after he was adjudged to have performed the best during the 2011 year.

Mother lets out Nengomasha secrets at wedding

HARARE- Secrets are often shared and kept amongst friends but when shared between mother and a celebrity son it might just be a whole different ball game as Zimbabwe’s international soccer star Tinashe Nengomasha has just learnt.