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Making Flip Flops From Used Tyres

As you enter an African market place, you must get to know the people that make it a market in the first place. They are not as extravagant as you would envision seeing in a Western marketplace. Neither are their clients. Although they do go through inconceivable pains to make their products attractive, they know that at the end of the day, the point is not to sell their wares, but to sustain their families.

We are church goers, we just haven’t got there yet

“We are church goers, we just haven’t got there yet.” So read a sticker on the bumper of a car on the motorway, this made me think and indeed inspired me to write this article. As we begin the New Year I plead with you to get there. Many of our extended family and friends haven’t yet gotten to church.

Chiyangwa targets new private jet and car

The flamboyant and controversial Zanu PF businessman Philip Chiyangwa has boasted that he plans on buying a new private jet and high value car as part of his New Year resolutions for 2011. Mugabe’s nephew already has a stunning two-door, four seater Bentley Continental GTC valued at a whooping £150 000.

Dynamos in shock bid to sign Peter Ndlovu

Zimbabwe premiership runners-up Dynamos have done the unthinkable and launched an audacious bid to tempt former Highlanders and Coventry City striker Peter Ndlovu out of retirement and have him join them for one season.

Hackers target Zimbabwe government over WikiLeaks

Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe, has become the latest victim of online attacks by supporters of WikiLeaks, it was claimed. Cyber activists said they had brought down government websites after Mugabe’s wife sued a newspaper for publishing a WikiLeaks cable that linked her with the alleged trade in illicit diamonds .