Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Boy loses manhood to negligent doctors

Four failed operations have stolen six-year-old Anotipaishe Matambanashe’s childhood after negligent medical practitioners failed to properly handle his umbilical chord at birth, and damaging his male organ in the process.

Boy loses manhood to negligent doctors
Boy loses manhood to negligent doctors

The child writhes in pain when urine gushes through large pores that were left by a local urologist.

“Anopaishe was born on the 19th of October 2008 at Zengeza 3 Polyclinic. He was born fine but a midwife negligently handled her son’s umbilical code, damaging his organ in the process,” said Shuvai Matambanashe, the boy’s mother.

The midwife in question was only identified as Sister Mandimika.

Anopaishe’s childhood has been characterised by operations to rectify his manhood and ensure that he passes urine like other normal boys of his age.

One Dr D.A Dube of number 60 Baines Avenue in Harare, who carried out the procedures completely damaged the minor’s essentials to an extent that after four operations, urine gushes from around his waistline and he moves around in diapers.

Dr Dube could not be reached for a comment. A nurse at Dr Dube’s surgery, Sister Chimere told the ZBC News that Dr Dube is out of the country. There is however hope for the little boy after all but at a cost of about US$12570 for a plastic surgery in India. ZBC
