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Professor Ken Mufuka

The last call for Robert Mugabe!

By Professor Ken Mufuka | Letter from America | Like every writer, the cherished moments are those when one is a witness to the great events of history. I had been away from Zimbabwe for two years, putting the final touches to my book;…

Zimbabwe: The gathering storm!

By Professor Ken Mufuka | Letter from America | The signs of disintegration are everywhere. Things fall apart, the center cannot hold. While scribes rarely enter into the area of prophecy, my sense is that President Robert Mugabe’s…

Bond issue: You are missing the point

By Professor Ken Mufuka My supreme brother, Tarisai Manungu, has sent me some “powerful” information on the bond issue. He says, “Ken, please write.” I think the discussion has been beating about the bush, and missing the point entirely.…