Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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Marange Diamonds

Zanu PF will not abandon political violence

For close to a year now, the country has been steadily sliding back to the pre-June 2008 period of lawlessness, political abductions, murders and military intervention into civilian electoral affairs albeit by performing commissariat work…

Zimbabwe buys 20 000 AK-47’s from China

The southernafricareport.com says that the consignment has been negotiated by Defence Minister Emerson Mnangagwa and includes 20,000 AK-47 automatic rifles, uniforms, 12-15 trucks and about 21,000 pairs of handcuffs. With elections said to…

Overview of the Marange diamond fields

The discovery of massive diamond deposits in Zimbabwe has led to hundreds of media reports exploring the abuse of human rights and grandscale corruption. It can be difficult to keep up to date with events as they unfold, or to tease out the…

Watchdog approves Zimbabwe diamond sales

KINSHASA — The Kimberley Process watchdog on Tuesday authorised the resumption of diamond sales from two mining sites in Marange, Zimbabwe, where alleged rights violations took place. Zimbabwe conducted a KP-monitored sale last year…