Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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Fanuel Nsingo

Why I began to hate Robert Mugabe

During the land grabs we ganged-up with war veterans and CIO agents and managed to chase almost every white farmer from their land. We were then told by the war vets to keep some grabbed farms for ourselves and our families, which I did…

The day Robert Mugabe fled to China

As the US President Barack Obama conversed with South African President Jacob Zuma over the phone, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paced the White House floor to and fro. She overhead Obama say, “Are you telling me Zimbabwe’s on fire?”

Mugabe vs Zimbabwe: The Matibili Factor

Immediately after gaining independence from Britain in 1980, it is possible that our ancestors could have overlooked Robert Mugabe' s real roots, due to his deceitful tongue. Radical writer Fanuel Nsingo shares his theory.

How I almost killed Robert Mugabe

It all happened a decade ago in Marondera when Robert Mugabe held his campaign rally outside Rudhaka Stadium in the open grounds. As soon as I got seated, I began to sense this heavy burden on my shoulders. It felt like a craving to fulfill…