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Life ban for former CAF boss

Former CAF vice president and Ghana Football Association president Kwesi Nyantakyi has been handed a lifetime ban by FIFA following his involvement in various offences, including bribery and corruption.

Zambezi bloodbath

FIFA and the Sport and Recreation Commission yesterday dealt a huge blow to claims by a cabal led by Trevor Carelse-Juul to try and force their way into power via the backdoor when the two bodies distanced themselves from claims being made…

Mapeza won’t commit suicide

FC Platinum coach Norman Mapeza says only a foolish gaffer will send his team into an all-out attack against their Angolan opponents Clube Desportivo in Luanda in a CAF Champions League preliminary round, first leg tie on Sunday. He says…

Mapeza told to be wary of Angolans

Ngezi Platinum coach Tonderai Ndiraya has warned his FC Platinum counterpart, Norman Mapeza, to be wary of Angolan side Clube Desportivo de Agosto when the two clubs clash in the preliminary round of the CAF Champions League first leg tie…

Issa Hayatou – The legacy. What legacy?

By Lot Chitakasha If the lizard of the homestead should neglect to do the things for which its kind is known, it will be mistaken for the lizard of the farmland. Many articles have been written about Issa Hayatou. His demise has been…

Zifa, Safa bond grows

The growing bond between Zimbabwe and South Africa in terms of how the two countries develop their football is set to be further strengthened this weekend when ZIFA president Philip Chiyangwa meets his South African counterpart Danny…

Incidents that sealed Hayatou’s fate

By Tinotenda Panashe The days of muzzling opposition within the Confederation of African Football (Caf) might be over. This is the story that dominated the continental football body; employing cronies, doing things behind the FA…