Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Zanu-PF politician and bus operator Mupfumi arrested over public violence

MUTARE – Zanu-PF politician and bus operator Esau Mupfumi, 62, has been arrested along with 21 others in connection with violent clashes that erupted over bus loading bays in Mutare on Thursday and Friday.

The arrests include bus crews, touts, rank marshals, and criminal gang members.

According to a police statement, the skirmishes stemmed from a dispute between Mupfumi and Mukumba bus companies over loading bays and ranks at Harare-Mutare Old Rank and Mudzviti Rank.

“Some of the suspects were hired and paid to engage in public violence using vehicles whilst carrying machetes and other weapons.

“In one of the incidents, police had to fire warning shots to effect arrests as the gangs were fighting and striking one another with machetes, stones, iron bars, and other weapons.

“Some members of the public were caught in the crossfire and sustained injuries,” Police Commissioner Paul Nyathi said.

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Mupfumi, a former Zanu-PF legislator, has been implicated as the alleged kingpin of the melee. He was reportedly hospitalised after his medical condition worsened in holding cells.

Nyathi warned bus operators to refrain from violence.

“The Police is appealing for information which may lead to the arrest of Leonard Mukumba, the owner of Mukumba Buses trading under the name Inter-Africa Bus Services in connection with the orgy of violence,” he said.

Zimbabwe Passengers Transport Organisation (ZIPTO) chairperson Samson Nhanhanga condemned the violence and appealed to the government to restore sanity to the industry.

“We don’t support violence. We don’t support touting. Operators must not pile buses on over-subscribed routes. We appeal for government intervention in this regard. Permits must not be issued before an assessment has been done,” Nhanhanga said.

Police recovered several vehicles and dangerous weapons, including knives, hoe handles, and iron bars, used during the skirmishes. Several complainants have made reports of assault to the Police.

Nyathi strongly warned bus operators and criminal gangs against instigating violence at bus ranks, saying they would face the full wrath of the law.

“Bus operators are implored to lead by example and contribute towards the maintenance of law and order in the country,” Nyathi noted.
