Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Chivayo responds to ZACC wealth probe: ‘Im putting aside another US$400k for a further 50 Aqua cars’

HARARE – Controversial businessman Wicknell Chivayo has threatened to buy even more cars for people that have his favour, amidst revelations that the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission (ZACC) had initiated an investigation to probe the source of his wealth.

Chivayo has been on a spending spree over the last few months, buying motor vehicles for people ranging from members of his church to celebrities and ruling party cheerleaders.

However, over the weekend, a leaked memo revealed that ZACC had been investigating the source of his wealth since last year.

The memo revealed that ZACC had sought information from different organisations including the Finance Intelligence Unit for information of about his bank transactions.

They also went to check his compliance with the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) including for his personal properties with the City of Harare.

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Posting in response on social media after the revelations, a boisterous Chivayo suggested that the probe was motivated by jealousy from members of the watchdog.

“What is painful is you’re going to car sales and asking about (Toyota) Aqua cars bought for the members of the apostolic sect,” said Chivayo.

“Why don’t you just say Mr Chivayo can the programme for Aqua car also include ZACC.”

Chivayo threatened to spend even more money on members of his sect.

“I have not committed any crime. I know in your eyes everyone with wealth is a thief,” he said.

“I am begging you not to harass members of the apostolic sect. I said this year US$3 million is theirs and you have irritated me.

“I am putting aside another US$400 000 for a further 50 Aqua cars. I thought I should tell you in advance so you are not surprised.”
