Furious Mutsvangwa claps back at Mzembi criticism of Zanu PF govt

Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa has launched a scathing attack on exiled former cabinet minister Walter Mzembi for criticizing the government’s solar energy rollout for civil servants meant to shield them from the country’s incessant 12-16 hour power outages.

The government recently announced that it was working on a plan to provide solar systems to civil servants as part of their non-monetary benefits.

This announcement comes after the government awarded free solar unit schemes to over 100 senior government officials in order to protect them from the massive power outages, which received a public backlash.

Mzembi accused Mutsvangwa and his wife Monica of benefiting from the solar energy program and the government’s US$500,000 loan scheme given to each cabinet minister.

Mutsvangwa launched a scathing attack on Mzembi, whom he accused of being corrupt and of stealing funds for national projects during his tenure as cabinet minister, saying he was the least likely to criticize the government.

“Mzembi is the least person to criticise the well meant solar energy roll out for civil servants. He has a sordid record. As Deputy minister of foreign affairs I lobbied successfully to enlist Zimbabwe as a recipient of Export-Import Bank concessionary loans.

“Mzembi went on to hijack funds from one eligible project. He did this in concert. To whitewash the corrupt thievery he added a few Leyland Ashok buses as a sophomore to the army. This is as he pocketed the rest of the loot.

“He added yet another non performing loan to the books of the fiscus. An onerous burden to the taxpayer. By the same token loan delinquency made Zimbabwe ineligible for further EXIM Bank India funds,” said Mutsvangwa.

Government recently gave 31 ministers US$ 500, 000 loans each, 12 deputy ministers US$ 350, 000 loans each, and 210 MPs US$ 40, 000 loans totaling US$ 28 million at a time when the country is facing a slew of economic challenges such as the energy crisis, a dreadful health-care system, and dwindling civil servant salaries.

Walter Mzembi

Mzembi went on to accuse Mutsvangwa and his wife of being part of the beneficiaries of this controversial loan scheme, pocketing a total of US$ 1 million while ordinary citizens suffered in abject poverty.

Mutsvangwa dismissed Mzembi as a bitter foe who despised his marriage and accused him of numerous sexcapades.

“Mzembi is miffed and bitter that I outsmarted him in 2017 as their G40 power grab drive cascaded to a thunderous crash.

“Mzembi seems to have a chip about my stable marriage. Here he is treading onto slippery territory. I eerily remember him boasting about his ‘prized conquest’ of the female persona of a woman Comrade who had ascended to second tier national leadership.

‘It is common cause I had congenial relations with the said politician. Mzembi gleefully offered his good offices to repair the frayed relations of the two estranged ex-combattants. Mzembi amorous access to her meant that she could be turned to my favour,” said Mutsvangwa

“Never mind that I had known and worked with the Comrade as of 1975 during the Chimurenga II. There is yet another occasion of his infidel debauchery. This time it was in USA.

“Like an overactive billy goat he consumated coitus with a youthful hooker in a Chicago car park This was as we left a nightclub.

“I had organized the trip and had sponsored his ticket in a drive to promote tourist investment in the foremost city of Africa’s Diaspora. The hooker pleaded for a puny $25 for that transaction steeped in mean immorality.

“She bargained she needed it to feed her desperately poor family back home. I was just so appalled,” concluded Mutsvangwa.

Government has been under public scrutiny for its handling of the current ongoing energy crisis which has dampened the merry festival mood.

Christopher MutsvangwaWalter MzembiZanu PF
Comments (61)
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  • Stabinageo Ernest Tevedzai

    So muri kubvuma kuti muri mbavha sebato or bato ndere humbavha chete cz dai zvisirizvo vakasungwa kare

  • Apman Dhewa

    Hauna zvaurikutaura zvonyadzisa kuti dzimba dzema officials dzizare mazi solar pamusoro motibyadzisa

  • Eddy


  • Buka

    Chris idako

  • Richard Matambirofa

    Zimbabweans we are just too foolish. Zanu pf is just a gang of thieves. These people must just go

    • Maurice Maswiswi

      By the look of things, Zanu(pf) is not exactly going anywhere. 2023 is done and dusted.

  • Simon Mwando

    Why u ddnt report to corrupt anti corruption gang iwe Chris

  • Tony Mac

    The skeletons are coming out of the closet. No wonder Daddy Hope sang “Dem Loot”. Mutsvangwa is the nuttiest of them all – he is basically accepting that they are looters.

  • Edwin Tafadzwa Nyatsungo

    Hanti mamwe mabhazi takazoona akatonyorwa kuti “AmaiMugabe School” amwe akanzi “Children’s wat wat”

    Apa those were actually state assets!!!

  • Kudzaishe

    In Zanu pf its all about competing to steal…nothing more, nothing less.

  • Gooner King

    He has told us about Mzembi’s corrupt deals. It’s now time he tells us about his own. He isn’t clean either

    • Thomas Bipiro

      Chamunorwa Shoniwa Kkkkkkkkk APA hapana kana imwe anosungwa .

    • Mj Jnr

      Washington Chari imagine with all the evidence of corruption since Mugabe era but not even a single arrest was made

    • Washington Chari

      Mj Jnr maone 15 billion kungonzi disappear without trace

    • Succ Mukanga

      Washington Chari wakaenda kuchikoro here iwe? Siyana nekutukira vanhu oavanenge vada kutsveta X because it’s their choice. Iwe ndiwaniko unoda kuudzira vanhu zvekuita? Apo uchitotuka nezvinyadzi futi kusanyara. Siya vanhu vaite zvavanoda. Iwe pane akambokutukira kuti unoda Chamisa? Ndozvinoita vanhu vasina kudzidza zvaurikuita. Akadzidza anoziva mutemo, every citizen have got the rights to support or vote for ZANU PF or CCC without fear. Iwe urikutii?🙄

    • Washington Chari

      Succ Mukanga bcz of people like you thts why we keep suffering in this country. Ndimi vanhu vanorwira mat shirts ezanu imi. Handipere power ndoramba ndichitukirira thts my right. Haundiudzire mhani zvekuita. 18hrs without power,our clinics no medication, our sisters are dying while giving birth, ukwane mhani

    • Succ Mukanga

      Washington Chari Saka kutuka vanhu ndokuti vakuterera zvaunotaura or unenge chitotsamwisa vanhu? Arikuudzira umwe ndiyani between ini newe? Siya vanhu vasarudze zvakavanakira, unoda kubatana nani uchituka vanhu pano?

    • Washington Chari

      Succ Mukanga ndonyora zvandada simba rako rinobvepi rinoita kuti uuye pacomment pangu

    • Succ Mukanga

      Washington Chari ukatarisa maphotos angu ndepapi paunoona t-shirt yeZANU PF? Urikundionera paiko iwe? Ini ndichitadza kufarira matakanana arikuitwa naChamisa ndozofarira mahumbwe arikuitika muZANU PF ini manje?

    • Succ Mukanga

      Washington Chari usatuka vanhu, kana uchituka vanhu nezvinyadzi ndoto commenter.

    • Washington Chari

      Succ Mukanga kkkkkkkkkkkk bholato mukuru rambai makashinga Regai tishandire mhuri

  • John Matanda

    And what did your gvnt do at the time?

  • Sylvester Mangono

    It’s about what Muzembi said, not what he has down, can he respond to gay without throwing accusations?

  • Kelvin Maseko

    The ediots in Zanu actually gloat on who is more corrupt than the other.. is this normal.. I mean really..??

  • Jonas Chipemba

    Mr mutsvangwa a u serious u and your wife a pocketing 1million on top of the other looting u did at cbz thru farming imputs

  • Thomas Bipiro

    According to ZANU pf stealing is no longer a crime. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  • Not Yet Uhuru

    Furious kudii kwacho?Mzembi haasisiri mugovernment vanhu vacho varimo ngavavhare maziromo avo vape vanhu service delivery instead of these side shows attacking Mzembi.Itai basa ramakati munoda uye mnorigona.Chete!Kana matadza SHIP OUT!

  • Ma Tana

    Mofumurana henyuzve… Isu hatipo 🤣🤣🤣

  • Stanley Gwavuya

    To summarise the response: Keep quiet, it’s our turn to loot. You had yours.