Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Man drives taxi in his sleep

A LOCAL taxi driver had a nightmarish lunch hour as his vehicle mysteriously scaled over a pavement and rammed into another vehicle, a Honda CRV.
Word went round that the taxi driver identified as Jeff who operates along Third Street was sleeping in his vehicle when he had a dream driving.

In his sleep, it is said he started the engine and reversed the vehicle, only to wake up and find the vehicle in motion. It was late for him to control the vehicle resulting in the accident.

Jeff said it was difficult for him to explain what had happened but dispelled the sleeping theory.

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“I don’t know what happened, I can’t even explain what transpired. I just found the vehicle moving,” said the visibly shaken driver.It was indeed a sad day for the driver to be involved in such a mishap on a day he changed into a new vehicle, a Honda Fit.

Another school of thought said Jeff told the police that he panicked after receiving a phone call that his child was in a critical condition and lost control of the vehicle.

“This is his first day with this vehicle, yesterday he had a Fun Cargo. Ati anga achirota achidriver kusvika arovera kudai,” said a source.

“His statement to the police was that he received a call that his child was in a critical condition and he lost it,” said another source. H-Metro
