Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Fundraiser for Learnmore Jongwe plaque

By Fortune Tazvida (Editor in Chief)

Former Harare Polytechnic student leader Charlton Hwende is leading efforts to raise funds for a tombstone for the late MDC Information and Publicity Secretary Learnmore Judah Jongwe.

Speaking on the Facebook group ‘Friends of Learnmore Judah Jongwe’ Hwende said ‘I am sure we are all aware that it will soon be 6 years since this gallant son of the soil passed on and am sure you will be surprised that the grave were this fearless fighter is burried still does not have a tompstone.’

Former University of Zimbabwe student leader Daniel Molokele who is currently the coordinator for the Global Zimbabwe Forum will be issuing a detailed appeal that will see the launching ‘The Learnmore Judah Jongwe Foundation and acquire a Tombstone,’ Hwende said.

In July 2002 Jongwe was arrested by police on a Sunday after allegedly stabbing his wife Rutendo on a Friday following a heated argument. His lawyer Jonathan Samkange argued he had not intention of killing her but acted in a fit of jealousy.

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Details of the case remained controversial with Zanu PF’s tight control of the media but his close friends say he suspected his wife of infidelity and during one heated argument stabbed her three times using a kitchen knife.

Learnmore JongweOn October 23, 2002 the nation awoke to the shocking news that Jongwe, the Member of Parliament for Kuwadzana had commited suicide in remand prison. The MDC then in opposition demanded an investigation into how he had died in the custody of the state.

Teachers union leader Raymond Majongwe shared a cell with him and said, ‘I am completely devastated. For three days we shared the same cell. Just yesterday we ate from the same plate. He was in a jovial mood. He did not complain of any pains or any illness. It is just shocking and a tragedy.’

Despite the tragedy, Jongwe remains reverred by MDC supporters as the MDC engine room that was taken away from them by Zanu PF machinations. His performance during interviews had the likes of media ‘taliban’ Tafataona Mahoso gasping for air during one interview. He was feared in Zanu PF circles.

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