Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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service chiefs

Zimbabwe army generals anger SADC leaders

SADC leaders are reportedly disturbed by state security service chiefs’ brazen meddling in local politics ahead of watershed elections and are pressing the facilitator, South African President Jacob Zuma, to tackle the issue at his next…

Mugabe fumes at Mangoma over Zesa bills

HARARE- Energy and Power Development minister Elton Mangoma came under fire from President Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF cabinet ministers at a high-level meeting on Tuesday over leaked Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (Zesa) bills.

Mugabe’s shock US$350 000 Zesa bill

HARARE - President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace are some of the state-owned power firm Zesa Holdings’ biggest debtors. After a month of investigations by the Daily News, we can today reveal that the Mugabes as at December 31, 2011 owed…

Mugabe renews contracts for his vampires

HARARE- They have ordered abductions, torture, rape and murder to keep President Robert Mugabe in power even after he lost presidential elections in March 2008. So it came as no surprise this week that Mugabe defied Prime Minister Morgan…

Leaked copy of Tsvangirai letter to Mugabe

The following is a copy of a leaked letter written by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai to President Robert Mugabe. The letter deals with the status of the Inclusive Government, including violence, arrest of Ministers and the appointment and…

Zanu PF prioritise conference over parliament

Important parliamentary business has been postponed to allow Zanu PF legislators to attend their party conference in Bulawayo this week. Concerns are already being raised over this set of skewed priorities given that MP’s need to debate the…

Mugabe snubbed lucrative UN retirement offer

Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe turned down a lucrative retirement package offered by then United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan. According to the latest WikiLeaks website revelations, Mugabe was offered an overseas safe haven if he…