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Baba Jukwa

I helped army: Amai Jukwa

HARARE - Incarcerated Sunday Mail editor, Edmund Kudzayi has opened a can of political worms by sensationally claiming that Cabinet ministers caused his arrest to appease President Robert Mugabe following his outburst that Zanu PF had been…

I’m being victimised: Sunday Mail editor

Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi has said his arrest has been instigated by people in high authority who are afraid he can use his technological expertise to expose them for feeding the real Facebook character Baba Jukwa with sensitive…

Jukwa plot thickens

HARARE - It would be an understatement to say the Baba Jukwa saga is shaping up to be the runaway news story of the year 2014. Just as one is tempted to think this mega political soapie would fizzle out, it is getting juicier and nastier…

Kudzayi is a sacrificial lamb

The ruling ZANU PF party is making a ‘sacrificial lamb’ out of the Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi while pursuing those allegedly linked to Information Minister Jonathan Moyo.

More woes for ‘Baba Jukwa’

HARARE - Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi, who stands accused of banditry, inciting the overthrow of a constitutionally-elected government, insurgency, terrorism and sabotage, has been remanded in custody to July 7 after the courts…

Edmund Kudzayi: How I joined Team Zanu PF

In 2012 I launched an anonymous online personality (AmaiJukwa) that focused on Zimbabwean politics. At the time I was living in the United Kingdom running a media and software business. My decision to be anonymous was motivated by a desire…