‘So if you plan against me, I will get to know’, Mnangagwa warns enemies

In a move that seemingly confirms massive factionalism in the ruling Zanu PF party, President Emmerson Mnangagwa told his enemies that he is the “godfather” of all systems which can be used for conspiracy against him, hence he ‘knows everything’.

Amid allegations that Mnangagwa is planning to unpopularly adjust the presidential term limit, reports are emerging in political circles that the Vice President Constantino Chiwenga is in a major succession rift with his boss.

It is believed that, after the 2017 military coup that ousted the late former President Robert Mugabe, Mnangagwa promised Chiwenga that he would only serve two terms and allow the former Army General to take over.

But a succession dispute has allegedly erupted following indications that Mnangagwa wants to defy the plan and extend the presidential term limit following his controversial victory in the recently held harmonised general elections.

While all these conspiracy theories are being raised, Mnangagwa has come in the open seemingly telling his enemies that he controls all security systems that he created when he was the State Security Minister during Mugabe’s reign.

“I have been Minister of State Security for a long time. So, most of the systems in Zimbabwe, I created them. They always remember who their godfather is. So if you plan against me, I will get to know,” Mnangagwa said while addressing a recent event.

The President’s statement caused mixed reactions among the public with many claiming that Mnangagwa is threatening his opponents against initiating any plans to fight for his removal.

Walter Mzembi, a former cabinet Minister who fled the country during the military coup, claims that Mnangagwa’s statements are meant to silence enemies.

“This is more a response to false intelligence reports but they are a convenient excuse to heighten repression and clamp down on imaginary enemies.

“This is what triggered Gukurahundi under the same Security Minister’s tenure ; inventing threats and enemies and it usually happens out of fear when one knows he is not taking a country in the right direction and you are inflicting too much unnecessary pain on a people and in fact is more a factional response than to a national security threat,” Mzembi said.

Instead of nurturing fictionalism, Mzembi urged Mnangagwa to unite the nation.

“Peace be with you Mr President, unite the people, seek unity of purpose, increase empathy levels and do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. Don’t believe everything on your desk you will go nuts,” he said.

Constantino ChiwengaEmmerson Mnangagwa
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    • Definiti Chibaya

      Simbarashe Nobert Mukwimba Kuna Mwari kudenga soon tichapembera nemufaro

  • Courage Chipangura

    What goes around comes around .hamheno tuvarungu tunenge tuchitti mostly ipapapo

    • Edmore Magumise

      Brayne Magumise 😂😂😂 mahwani haushayi rinoti bhoo nyange zvakaora

    • Brayne Magumise

      Edmore Magumise ndikutoshaiwa kuty chinonzi yes Sir chii ipapa

    • Leonard Musekwa

      Brayne Magumise kuchengetedza upenyu hwembwa dzakaita sewe Magumise dzinohukura dzisina mazino

    • Brayne Magumise

      Leonard Musekwa u need some brain supplementation because hadzimo

    • Leonard Musekwa

      Brayne Magumise ndosaka ndati kuchengetedza upenyu hwako iwe unogona kutaurisa pasina chaunogona kuita kamba iwe

    • Brayne Magumise

      Leonard Musekwa read and understand 1st
      Unopenga Unopenga in Grace Mugabe’s voice

    • Edmore Magumise

      Brayne Magumise ndovanotitukisa nedzimwe nyika ava ma bootlicker nyangoitirwa tsvina mumuromo vanongoti boss, uraya munhu yes bosi, uraya mai vako yesi nkosi. Haaaa vanhu ngatisvinurei hapana chakanaka munyika umu

  • Tarirai Maringire

    Something is fishing ontop there 🎣the big fish is not feeling safe at all🔥

  • Ronnie Chibobo

    You are too old now you can’t even remember what you did yesterday

  • Herbert Tizirayi

    Dada Idi amin created too and later die a fugitive. Somebody must run away wearing a dress hahaha. And avoid eating ice-cream at all cost, somebody is gonna cook for themselves

  • Lloyd Mapako

    The one who invented electricity was electrocuted to death and the one who invented dynamite was buried in pieces.

  • Thabz Ncube

    Ndakazvitaura kuti uyu ndiye munhu akauraya nyika yedu kwete Baba Bona uyu ndiye munhu ari ruthless manje kana mazogara he is the 1 akaita kuti Mdct isapinda ndiye akaita kuti baba bona vagaries pachigaro achiitira nguva yake

  • Amos Jamu

    Dayi mazorora shefu inga maita mari kare hamugute here marohwa ne age

  • Rodgers Sibanda

    Dai mwari wehondo ambo ratidza hondo yake kuna munangagwa nezanu yake

    • SirJoe FX

      God doesn’t fight such battles they’re filthy and dishonest to start with .. politics is politics whether is CCC or ZANU

  • Wise King

    Ndookuvhunduka chati kwatara ka uku

  • Tapiwa Zembesi

    When times comes this will end God time is real 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • Kyle Leal

    Kuba ngoma muraini kungareruka,asi kwekuiridzira zvakasununguka ndiwo ma1

  • Kyle Leal

    Your heart will always tell you the truth

  • Rogis Chibwe

    Pandemonium in paradise 😁😁😁😁Bob created Zanu wani aripi regai titore mabinos tione tirinechekure

  • Raymond Borewore

    Kuvhaira nekuroya asiziwa kuti hakuna munhu or musha usina rinda

  • Gushie Gushungo

    Kkkk That’s a Rapid Response Signal So who’s Signaling Zim Politics Keeps me 🤣🤣🤣🤣😹😹😹😹

  • Alaster Ndlovu

    The problem starts there, to take opposition as an enermy

  • Beatrice Muungani

    𝗸𝘂𝗱𝗮 𝗸𝘂𝘁𝘆𝗶𝘀𝗮 𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗵𝘂 𝗻𝘆𝗶𝗸𝗮 𝗵𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗶 𝘆𝗲𝗸𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗮 𝗸𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗼

  • Skappa Vanish

    SADC inokuita kuti uite sewakupenga mdhara

  • Munashe Masango

    Even osama, Gaddafi, abubakar al Baghdad wakafa wani wainge wari wakuru panyaya dze security

  • Davison Mudombo

    Gaddaffi was more powerful and was killed with his own golden pistol. Leave now with dignity Mr and History wil remember yu better than Bobby

  • Paymaster Billy

    Hate him or like him, ED is grandmaster of deception cut from a different cloth. The Almighty Bob (mhsriep) can testify what happened when he tried to hunt this hunter. Of course death knows NO Kings, but ED is the epitome of Machivellenism.

  • Zif Mombo

    Your days are numbered bhangu