Mnangagwa more likely to relinquish power than Mugabe – Madhuku

CHIPINGE – President Emmerson Mnangagwa is more likely to relinquish power compared to former President Robert Mugabe if defeated in an election, NCA leader Professor Lovemore Madhuku has said.

Madhuku said this when he launched his 2023 election campaign at Matambudze Business Centre, in his home district in Chipinge on Saturday.

Madhuku argued that because Mnangagwa knew life both in and outside the presidency, it made him more likely to accept defeat in an election than Mugabe who only knew life as a President since returning from Mozambique in 1980.

“The late President was never for a minute led by another person since his return from Mozambique. For him, it was inconceivable that he could be ruled. However, the current president has had a president rule him for 37 years. He knows life as a president and life under somebody else.

“Therefore, we don’t expect him to refuse to be defeated,” argued Prof Madhuku.

He told scores of supporters that the NCA was going to contest council, Parliamentary seats and the Presidency in 2023 and said that there was no opposition that has the capacity to run the country alone.

Chipangayi in Middle Sabi is part of the area where Madhuku gave Mukonyowere villagers free legal service when they faced eviction from their land at the hands of greedy Government officials.

Madhuku appears to enjoy immense support in the area because of the empathy he showed.

“We are all agreed that ZANU PF has failed to give basics to the majority of the people in Zimbabwe over the past 42 years. Now, as NCA, we present ourselves to you to vote for us in the 2023 elections.

“We will have men and women up for council, national and presidential elections in each area of Zimbabwe,” he said.

Madhuku told the gathering not to be coerced into attending meetings of political parties.

“We are throwing our hat in the ring for 2023. Our message is clear on our strategy and programmes. We are ready to win the next elections,” he said.

Madhuku took the opportunity to set up local party structures after the meeting.

Fadzai Hama was elected the chairperson of the ward. Madhuku was accompanied by Vrande Jambaya who is a national executive member of the NCA. Masvingo Mirror

Emmerson MnangagwaLovemore Madhuku
Comments (135)
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  • Majid Zelensky

    Wishful thinking Prof Madhuku. He isn’t in charge. It’s the junta. He is just the civilian face

  • oblaks4

    Was he promised another car?

  • Fortune Zihura

    President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is a genuine leader not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus, Working hard in silence and let success make the noise… Second Republic is in Good Governance

    • Tichaona Manyiko

      Fortune Zihura what’s the difference between old and new zanupf kkkkkk.

    • Easyman Pasi

      Fortune Zihura musoro semabhora ake nxaaaa

    • Edy Angel

      Fortune Zihura yoooo ko muchiri vapenyu. Muchiri kumhanya nemaScreenshot enyu aya here. Happy New year

    • Bryan Padzamuka

      Fortune Zihura zvauri munhu kwayo why are you a disgrace to the your family infact the country atlarge

    • Zinny Derera

      Edy Angel the king Bootlicker kkk Ava apana asingavazive

    • Liver Proda

      Dnt reply him munhu uyu arikukuitai mapenzi

    • Samuel Mahachi

      Fortune Zihura Why can’t he go for Zanupf congress if he is a genuine leader, the last one was during Mugabe’s time 🤣🤣🤣

    • Mnumzane Nkomose

      Fortune Zihura I wonder how is this killer diseases a genuine leader?

    • Tau Binz

      Fortune Zihura Pfutsek

    • Lovemore Jack

      Fortune Zihura your face can tell what you are sir. I think you better change your face first and then come for politics

    • Tawanda Chirikure

      Fortune Zihura Fake profile this Zihura guy. Dambudzo is the one that told Mugabe not to give power to Tsvangirai when Mugabe had lost and wanted to hand over power.

  • Dion Shumba

    Lovemore iweka usangopupuruka sedhuku iwe

  • Christopher Mahachi

    Vamadhuku, taifunga kuti zimsoro renyu rakazara ne data but ringori zideze roga 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, taiti makafanana nana J. Moyo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • G Man Damane

    Mpofu last week said they are not going anywhere

  • Tatenda Shambiro

    I like this man’s head ….. because mune mafacts akakosha sterek

  • Sally Musiwa

    Akadaro tingasafara nekuti tarwadziwa veduwee nekuvepo kwake pachigaro

  • David Adnez

    Ndiyo yamavakufamba nayo mota makapihwa hande tiwone

  • Ernest Zee

    It’s long overdue.We are tired of EDiot Munangagwa’s face

    • Ernest Zee

      Mduduzi William Sibanyoni Exactly. We are malnourished by the same diet for 42 years, zanu-pf is old fashioned.

  • Jonga Shame

    Ndivo vakaita kuti misoro inzi bhangu Original bhangu

  • Keepwell Zuzumbe

    All along I thought our educated professor from UZ are the problem. Now I think UZ as an institution was all along producing bogus and mediocre professors. Even a grade 7 people understand politics better than Zimbabwean professors. Mnangagwa himself said that he was the one who made Mugabe retain power after defeat. So Maduku thinks Than Mnangagwa won last elections?

  • More Mutandwa

    Kemusoro bangawo ako kanoda kutsvaga dzvene, Gara kuZanu ikoko nxaaa

  • Bruno Jowore

    What happened in 2018 Honourable Bootlicker?

  • Pilot Ka-Masango

    This statement is inaccurate, there was a time whereby Mr Mugabe accepted defeat & was ready to step aside only to be convinced & influenced by the ZANU-PF organs such as G40, war veterans & the security clusters to do otherwise

    Even if ED is defeated he’ll step aside only if the Army approves that

  • Timothy Mloyiswa

    That’s the spirit we need to push which should prevail amongst us Zimbabweans. The ability to accept does not only demonstrate maturity but also it gives transparency and allows room for growth as a nation.

  • Artwell Moyo

    Day dreamer was he not defeated by Nelson Chamisa in 2018 and changed the results to favour him hence the unbudgeted Polad vehicle you are driving today, you missed it professor you just singing for your vehicle we know😳

  • Clifford Musungo

    Serial bootlicker….I think his professorship in law is questionable….because he is different in act!

  • Derrick Mncube

    The last kicks of a dying horse are very dangerous they know that they won’t win in 2023

  • Last Shayanewako

    msoro Banga mutengesi a habitual liar ,are u the spokesperson of the killers.

  • Sireti Fad

    Dick head ana musorobhangu avaa

  • Farai Mwapiwa

    Long back i lost confidence on Madhuku he was swallowed by the regime

  • Pardon Tichatonga Kanhenga

    Madhuku forgets that Mnangagwa is just a puppet of the deep state. Who plotted and sponsored the coup? If you know the answer then you’ll know if Mnangagwa can decide or not.

  • Phillip Zvenyika

    As long Madhuku is driving that bakkie , he will speak nonsense

    • Mai Cee Gr

      Kundishora Tungamirai Chipunza zvine nharo

  • Bestman Tapfuma

    Mugabe wanted to give Tsvangirai power in 2008 and zunu members refused
    ED Wil not give power Easley he Wil go down with a fight

  • Fatso

    Madhuku Strategy.

  • Bestman Tapfuma

    Problem yamadhuku ndeyekuita lawyer ra monzora
    So better nyarara bhanguza

  • Lovemore Moyo

    I smell another madhuku strategy asi mota ye polad yakafa kani?

  • Teeboy Joe

    Mpengo nyarara and dnt lecture us on ef .enjoy polad quietly

  • Tau Binz

    Musoro unenge kotopeya.

  • Richard Mhlanga

    Pamhata Pako madhuku you lost every respect I have for u Uri mutengesi just to fill your pocket imbwa yemunhu Uri dhodhi satan

    • Tendai Kimbini

      Richard Mhlanga kkkkkkkk usatuke mutape wedu wekanyi

    • Richard Mhlanga

      Tendai Kimbini imhata iyo imbwa yemunhu ano supporter Kuti isu imame ihoro iyi

    • Tendai Kimbini

      Richard Mhlanga kkkkkkkk haa true even Magabe knows Madhuku stall

    • Richard Mhlanga

      Akuna Mutape akadayi kana Mdhara Ndabaningi akazviramba izvi zvotendwa ngemhata iyi dhodhi remunhu

    • Tendai Kimbini

      Richard Mhlanga kutsvake mare ndomaitiro ake mutape uyu

    • Richard Mhlanga

      Tendai Kimbini ndoosaka ndaitaura pamhene Kuti I dhodhi iri most vevanhu vaaabk supporter their families are not in Zim Ku Zim kubasa mhuri ndiri kudya Mari iri Ku lootwer Ku Zim in foreign countries imagine they don’t have confidence in their own administration kwozoti iwe zvako that’s why they have thiert family and assets away from Zim

  • Shumba Shumba

    Suka wena Mamvemve musoro unenge loaf rechingwa

  • Shantez Mashats

    He’s broke now mukamunzwa aakudaro, anenge atsva

  • Getrude Siziba

    Tibvire iwe, reringuish my foot, iyo 2030 bva?

  • Brian Muziringa

    We don’t to be reminded or taught how moral campus works , instead will remain vigilante!

  • Thomas Ziteyo

    This is the same man that lead the killings in Matabeleland, and u honestly think he will just give up power just like that, his own former boss said he we was not leadership material but a good instruction follower, It was not me who said it but , R. G Mugabe the late, since hi was bundled into the highest office in the land what has he really done to prop up his presidency cv honestly can some one tell me, save for coming up with the scarf, What has ED done for Zim, please someone school me,Coz I’m not aware of his archivements maybe my absence may the reason why I have not read the anything from the rubbish and praise singing to please the bosses Zim useless media,42yrs of miss rule is what pisses me of and any level headed zimbo out there , The truth will set u free I speak my mind coz Its true , if u offended tough but that’s just the Truth, it needs to said , hate Me like me I don’t care , That’s ur issue not mine , Zanu Pf must Go period, u have had 42yrs what have u done in all that time , to justify ur existence as a leadership material in Zim 🤷🤷

  • Thomas Ziteyo

    Maduku did he tell u that, Where do u get ur facts from , The other day , Obert Mpofu was saying something about Zanu Pf not allowing anyone to take over or accepting any results that don’t favor them, So what are u telling us🤔🤷🤷🤷

  • Mrgee Gee

    You wish my man.
    He did 2030.

  • Davidson Divaldo

    This makes me question the efficacy of being educated with PhD’s when one says such drivel

  • Luckford Makuku

    Face iyo inovhundutsa vana pliz isai picture half,thank you

  • JOB

    Madhuku must contest as a councilor not an MP or president because he does not have focus

  • Lovemore Mamombe

    I dnt expect such poor analysis from a Proffessor.Wakanganwa here kuti Ivava varipo ndivo vakambidza Mugabe kusiya power after Zanu Pf loss in 2008.

    Coz vaida kutonga saizvavari kuita.Bob had long wanted to relinquish power

    Team iripo iyi imbokanganwai zvenyu kuti inobva.Makaigochera pahutsi kupembedza jenarari a Coup.Ndiye akasunga yese

  • Batsie Busymark

    Type yana madhuku, mwonzora mudzuri khupe, mashakada, komichi etc kana mazogara these are real and genuine vatengesi, they define wat mutengesi is.

  • Nyash Thandi

    Madhuku should just join zanu pf and keep quiet

  • Bright Ncube

    Zihura akatombopenga ,bvunzai ini ndomuziva, musashupike naye uyo

  • Moloko Leo Modiba

    When actually the reverse is true he won’t ndiye akarambira Mugabe adyiwa 2008 musoro banga akuhumana

  • Robert Humbe

    I used to like this guy coz he is from our rural area. The next thing he protects his community, the next thing he is saying something else.

  • Searchmore Muketwa

    Musoro warwadzaka Maduku. Kkkkkkkk rega Mugabe aikuti soro banga fungwa dzakanyanya kutambarara nemukuriro wakaita dzoro nikisi kushandisa njere wakushandisa kukura kwemusor