‘War vets dying due to poverty in Zimbabwe’ – table report to Zanu PF

By Staff Reporter | Nehanda Politcs |

Former veterans of the liberation struggle have told the ruling Zanu PF party that most of them are dying due to abject poverty that they are living under.

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) spokesperson, Douglas Mahiya

Ex-freedom fighters led by Zanu PF secretary for war veterans, Douglas Mahiya prepared and released the report to the Zanu PF central committee last week during the party’s annual conference in Bindura.

The war veterans said their pensions had deteriorated and were failing to cater for their health. They added that they were finding it difficult to pay their children’s school fees, while also bemoaning the lack of funding for funeral assistance to the departed freedom fighters.

“The current monthly pension payout to the veterans of the liberation struggle has been eroded by the current inflation rates. As such, most veterans are wallowing in abject poverty. The issue of increasing the pension was brought to the fore for over 10 years and nothing has materialised.

“Veterans are dying each day due to challenges arising from economic hardships,” read the report.

“The welfare of the liberation struggle (veterans) continues to be undermined by inflation regardless of many efforts that have been made to cater for their wellbeing.

“Many of them are now living the last 20 years of their lives. The monthly pension payout for veterans has been eroded by the current economic conditions. The majority of the veterans of the liberation struggle are advanced in age and most of them suffer from chronic illnesses that need regular medical attention.

“Many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and war psychosomatic stress, while some were injured during the liberation struggle and lost limbs.

“All these conditions require a specialised medical service, however, continuous efforts to at least have medical aid specifically for veterans have been fruitless and our comrades are dying each day due to neglect and deteriorating health.”

Their report came soon after 39 war veterans were arrested in Harare last week and charged with gathering to promote public violence as they demanded a review of their monthly pensions.

They were later released on ZWL 5 000 bail each. Nehanda Radio

Douglas MahiyaWar VeteransZanu PF
Comments (43)
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  • Munhu Mutema

    Makabaya dura nechigunwe nzara haisati yatanga muchiri kwekutanga kwacho.

  • Ephraim Sitera

    Haaaà , vatibvigwe apo , they were supposed to squander $50 000 in a sustainable manner.
    Hongu , vakabata basa rakakura uye rakakosha.
    The same economic quagmire they are experiencing is same what the majority are complaining about and running away from.

  • Mark Beache

    Yu destroyed our country for nothing. Yu thot farms will make yu rich, yu thot 50k will make yu rich. All it made is Poverty to every Zimbo

  • James Jimmy Mashayanyika

    Ngavaende kwa Tongombeya vanopihwa doro ravakajaira kushandiswa naro vachiita hwumhondi

  • Fidza Fidza Fidza

    They will live to suffer and regret why supported Zanu pf ichiporonga vakatarisa

  • Erinos Nyabocho

    Enemies of progress.They should be quiet.They don’t want change.

  • Dennis Kachere

    Hanzi naChiwenga Shumba murambwi havana kwavari kuenda saka kana varipo muchafa nenzara

  • Joe Ndlovu

    They must die kuti ndovanhu vega varimuzimbabwe here.vainorerwa too much

  • John Snow King of the North

    Let them die after all they fought for nothing . Real heroes are those who never went to war. Vairwira idzo mbavha idzi

  • Nkosie Ncube

    Let them die cuz they are the ones whom they don’t want to remove Zanu

  • Onesimo Precious Sankebe

    U were given money n u mismanaged t u were given land n u r not utilising t u have e power to vote n bring about change use t

  • Kuda Moyo

    Ngavapere titange zvitsva unless people

  • Polite Ngwenya

    What r they waiting for, they should die already, how many innocent ppl dd they kill directly and indirectly

  • George Kopicho Kasiyandima

    Makarwira hondo mahara you should be the ones fighting for the values and the Zimbabwe you fought for, sold your souls to ZANU PF, dai mukanyatsorohwawnenhamo.

  • Ellen Mukundwa

    Everyone is dying due to poverty. Even kids and young women. Our graduated have no jobs and no hope of getting jobs. Our middle aged do not have life savings.

  • Gift Gumiro

    Matofo to the last. You thought you always win the Jackpot by killing ,torturing the oppositions who were and are telling you kuti chinhu ichi chaora. Even this day you still saying vote for it. You are told the truth that they remember of you only towards elections and after that mave zvikorobho. Wage another Hondo so have the same benefits you got before. Slogan takagwa Hondo munofa muchingochema.

  • Sibanda Mqoe

    Thus wat Dissidents where complaining about b4 it comes to this. those guys where clever leaders like Lobhengula who knew we needed economy not land that he gave to the whites for them to have trust on him.

  • Justice Chihlavangoma

    The government had implement that digger udye so they can sustain a living ,some of us didn’t get a single cent for the compensation fund which they were blowing like mannah

  • Simba Mukamba

    It only matters if they are dying with hunger what about ordinary poor citizens who doesn’t get any handouts from this selfish government. They must shut up because all citizens are struggling and they are the ones who’s blocking the change

  • Edmore Mabhiza

    Mai mhanyira mapurazi muchiuraya vanhu vaishanda mumapurazi nekuuraya varungu vacho maiti munosvikakupi? Ndimi makauraya economy yenyika imi muchishandiswa ne chi Zanu pf chenyu ichochi nyatsotambura zvakanyanya

  • Fraddy Mujuru

    They should address to the government, not the party

  • Joseph Mberi

    Unfortunately we have failed to distinguish between a part and government

  • Phillip Sibanda

    Inga vakapiwa ma demobe e 50000 minda mapurazi pamwe ne penjeni yavari kupiwa 50% yacho ari ma US Saka vave kuda chii futi

  • Alfred Manenji

    Tibvigwe zvedu,ngavadye hondo nyika ndeyeropa as they said.
    They are enemies of progress,vakati nyika haitongwe nepwere.ngavadye izvozvo

  • Tungamirai Saxon Matema

    possibly the economy might have been better off under Smith if they hadn’t gone kuhondo kwacho