Political parties funding: MDC accuses Madhuku of meddling

By Vanessa Mhizha

MDC secretary general and member of parliament for Kuwadzana East Charlton Hwende has made sensational claims that government is scheming to block disbursement of funds entitled to his party, Zim Morning Post has learnt.

University of Zimbabwe law lecturer Professor Lovemore Madhuku

According to the Political Parties (Finance) Act, the State is obliged to fund any party that gets at least five percent of the vote in a general election.

Hwende claimed that Zanu PF received funds last week and used Lovemore Madhuku to write a letter to the Ministry of Justice claiming the same money on behalf of Thokozani Khupe.

This is in complete negation of government’s claim this week that it had no funds to disburse to political parties.

In a statement on his official Twitter handle, Hwende said:

“Mthuli Ncube gave Minister of Justice the money for political parties, ZANU PF received their money last week .

“They are now looking for ways of denying us our funds” reads the tweet.

Last week, Hwende said the government was deliberately denying his party funds because it suspected they wanted to fund protests which was not true.

“I have been chasing that money for months but there is nothing. The idea in our view is to cripple us. It’s nonsensical for someone to think we will use that money to fund protests. Zimbabweans don’t need money to be organised because they are hungry and angry already,” said Hwende.

MDC spokesperson Daniel Molokele was not reachable at the time of writing. Zim Morning Post

Charlton HwendeLovemore MadhukuThokozani Khupe
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