Kasukuwere “une zidumbu” survives the chop

By Tendai Kamhungira

Zanu PF political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere, who has been facing a series of charges —  including treason — is now off the hook.

Zanu PF political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere

Kasukuwere, who was subjected to months of criticism, including demonstrations from the party’s provinces calling for his ejection or resignation, was yesterday exonerated by First Lady Grace Mugabe at a youth interface rally in Chinhoyi, Mashonaland West province.

The all-powerful first lady said that the same trick that was used to push out her former deputy in the women’s league, Eunice Sandi Moyo, and treasurer Sarah Mahoka, was being used against Kasukuwere.

“After the issue of Sandi and Mahoka, people used that to victimise Kasukuwere, they thought that if the president allowed his wife to remove Mahoka and (Sandi) Moyo, they will do the same. They mobilised people to demonstrate against Kasukuwere claiming he wanted to remove the president.

“This is not true, do you think Kasukuwere and his brothers can remove Mugabe — they are only three, do you think that is possible? Toda kutaurirana chokwadi, chokwadi ngachichibuda izvozvi iko kamukomana ikaka, nyangwe une zidumbu hako simuka iwe muri vaviri imimi kubvisa mudhara ane zimhomho rakadai  iri, chokwadi ngachibude izvozvi (Kasukuwere is very small he cannot remove Mugabe even though he has a big belly, he is still a young man).

After the expulsion of Moyo and Mahoka, there were similar countrywide demonstrations against Kasukuwere with his enemies demanding his head on a platter.

However, Kasukuwere accused the Team Lacoste faction of having hijacked a purely women’s league event to perpetrate its agenda.

In the end, nine out of 10 provinces passed votes of no confidence against Kasukuwere and a probe team led by National Assembly Speaker Jacob Mudenda was also dispatched to investigate the charges that the Mt Darwin legislator had set up parallel structures.

Even though the probe team had recommended the involvement of the country’s security apparatus to probe the serious charges against Kasukuwere, Grace exonerated him yesterday as he also railed against those who have been levelling corruption charges against Higher and Tertiary Education minister Jonathan Moyo.

Meanwhile, Kasukuwere was on cloud nine with his body language showing that he had no worries yesterday.

“Kasukuwere is a minister, a minister who was appointed by the president, Kasukuwere ari kuserver commissariat akaapoindwa napresident, hapana ane right yekuti ndinobvisa Kasukuwere president vasina kuti chokwadi ndizvozvo, hapana! (Kasukuwere serves the commissariat department after he was appointed by Mugabe and no one has the right to remove him).

“If people were not happy with Kasukuwere they should have sat down and wrote down their grievances before taking them to the president, not for grown-up men to plot against one man, stop it!

“No one is perfect, I am not saying he is perfect. He knows that if he is doing something wrong I would tell him. Stop attacking Jonathan (Moyo) today and tomorrow Kasukuwere. Let them do their work. You manufactured corruption charges against Jonathan. It’s too much, we have been quiet for a long time. This must be stopped,” said Grace.

She said ministers and vice presidents, including Kasukuwere and herself, serve at President Robert Mugabe’s pleasure

Kasukuwere is believed to be a member of a party faction known as the Generation 40 (G40), which is rabidly opposed to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s presidential ambitions. His other alleged group members are Moyo and Youth minister Patrick Zhuwao.

Yesterday, Moyo, who does not normally attend these interface rallies, was in high spirits as he danced to music together with Zhuwao.

He is one person who has been consistent in criticising Mnangagwa and his alleged ambitions.

Eunice Sandi-MoyoGrace MugabeSarah MahokaSaviour Kasukuwere
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