Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Nelson Chamisa: Kuwadzana East Constituency rally in PICTURES

Nelson Chamisa, the newly appointed Vice President in the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T), demonstrated his pulling power with a star rally in his Kuwadzana East constituency on Sunday.

Nelson Chamisa: Kuwadzana East Constituency rally in PICTURES
Nelson Chamisa, the newly appointed Vice President in the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T), demonstrated his pulling power with a star rally in his Kuwadzana East constituency on Sunday.

Speaking to Nehanda Radio, Chamisa explained that the event was one of his regular meetings in the constituency but that on this occasion he had decided to invite his fellow Vice Presidents Elias Mudzuri and Thokozani Khupe to come and be a part of the rally.

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Although Mudzuri, Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora, Deputy Treasurer General Chalton Hwende and others attended, Khupe was unable to do so following a car accident she was involved in on Saturday. See story: MDC Vice President Thokozani Khupe in car accident.

Meanwhile party president Morgan Tsvangirai was in South Africa where he is undergoing treatment for colon cancer and only arrived back in Zimbabwe on the day of the rally.
