Mugabe was not elected: Welshman Ncube

By Lance Guma

HARARE – The leader of the smaller MDC formation, Welshman Ncube, has reacted angrily to an indirect jibe by President Robert Mugabe who said unelected officials have no business in the next government as the cabinet will only be made up of ministers who win seats.

Morgan Tsvangirai, Welshman Ncube and Robert Mugabe

Ncube who is the Minister of Industry and Commerce in the coalition government despite losing to current Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe (MDC-T) in the Makokoba parliamentary election came out guns blazing saying Mugabe’s reported comments were “sad delusions.”

Writing on social network Facebook, Ncube said “sad delusions by a man whose hands drip of the blood of Zimbabweans murdered by his henchman in in an attempt to reverse his defeat at the March 2008 elections. How someone who did what Mugabe did can possibly think he was elected is mind boggling.”

“We won the 16 Parliamentary seats we won and the hundreds of council seats without shedding the blood of a single Zimbabwe nor for that matter injuring or assaulting a single Zimbabwean. Those who murdered and maimed hundreds of our people have no moral authority to lecture us on the essence of democracy.

“We dismiss the insult with the contempt it deserves. No amount of insults and abuse no matter how angrily it is thrown at us will make us yield an inch in our demands for a free and fair election.

“We will continue to refuse to be bullied into accepting to be frog marched into an election in violation of Zimbabwe’s new constitution even when such frog marching is supposedly backed by court orders,” Ncube wrote.

Ncube’s party has been weakened by massive defections. Out of the 16 seats they won in the 2008, a total of 8 legislators have since defected to the MDC led by founding President Morgan Tsvangirai. Of that number 5 initially defected to Arthur Mutambara before eventually going back to Tsvangirai’s party.

Ncube though has a valid point against Mugabe.

After Tsvangirai won the March 2008 presidential election the Joint Operations Command (JOC), a grouping of all the state security agencies loyal to the defeated Mugabe, responded with the brutal Operation Mavhotera Papi (where did you vote).

Over 500 perceived MDC-T supporters were killed, while tens of thousands were tortured and maimed. The regional grouping SADC intervened and through the efforts of former South African President Thabo Mbeki the current coalition government was formed as a compromise.

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Morgan TsvangiraiRobert MugabeWelshman Ncube
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