Prophet Passion benefits from ‘miracle money’

Kingdom Embassy leader, Prophet Passion Java says as a spiritual son of miracle money prophet, Uebert Angel he would never run out of money. Java said this as he dismissed reports that his church was evicted from a Harare building over rent.

Prophet Passion Java

“We do not lack money to pay rent. We have all that we need in this church. Our spiritual father Prophet Uebert Angel can perform miracle money. Chief Okeke is a member of this church and he also assists in the finances of the church and (there are) many businessmen who come for church service here so how could we lack?

“The rent we were paying was only $1,000 and here at State Lottery we are now paying $5,000 per month so I don’t know where the media is getting the idea that we were evicted because of lack of money,” he said.

He said the eviction was part of a grand plan by his enemies. Prophet Java cursed all of them during last week’s service.

“We are being attacked by the enemy and the devil is using men and women who are working tirelessly against us, but I am here to tell you that enough is enough. Those who are being used by the enemy I curse them today, the wrath of God is coming on them.

“I pray that the demons I have cast out from this church will go to everyone who is working against me. I pray that sickness comes on them so that they may realise that they should not touch God’s anointed.

“We don’t pray for them to die but we pray that these things will fall on them by the end of this year if they don’t repent from their evil,” said the seemingly man of God as he wished the worst for his fellow countrymen.”

The 25-year-old prophet was in the news last year when he began cohabiting with Yasmen Rahman. Her grandmother who was her legal guardian was shocked to read about her granddaughter being referred to as ‘prophetess’ in the newspapers and posters splashed on the streets.

Chief OkekeProphet JavaProphet Passion JavaProphet Uebert AngelUebert AngelYasmen Rahman
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