MDC-T statement on Chitungwiza violence

Today, the MDC was once again forced to cancel its rally at Chibuku Stadium in Chitungwiza after unruly Zanu PF militia led by the notorious Chipangano attacked the organisers of the rally. For the record, police had been advised of this rally and they had cleared it yet there was absolutely no protection from the police when our members were attacked.

Part of the Chipangano gang led by Jimmy Kunaka demonstrate at the Heroes Acre alongside other ZANU PF youth during the burial of the late army general Solomon Mujuru.

The Zanu PF youths attacked the MDC staff organising the rally and members of the public with iron bars, machetes, stones and other crude weapons.Thirty MDC supporters who were going to the rally were attacked and suffered tissue and various other injuries. Seven activists have been hospitalised in Harare, while about 15 others were referred to a Chitungwiza hospital for treatment.

Five MDC vehicles and the party’s public address system worth US$7 000 were destroyed with key components of the PA system such as the mixer and microphones were stolen.  Money meant for paying essential services for the event was looted resulting in the cancellation of the rally. The rowdy thugs stole the national and the Party flags and five banners.

The MDC is deeply concerned by these activities, which are clearly designed to close all the democratic spaces in Zimbabwe and prevent the MDC from carrying out its lawful activities.There is a clear history of Zanu PF’s recent disruptions of various MDC public meetings across the country.

Thug in Chief: Jimmy Kunaka reportedly leads the notorious ZANU PF Chipangano gang

On 17 October, Zanu PF supporters disrupted the Parliamentary hearings on the Electoral Amendment Bill in Marondera.  Similar disruptions took place in Mutasa on 18 October, on 19 October in Masvingo, 20 October in Midlands and 21 October in Bulawayo. 

The perpetrators were identified but not arrested. On 23 October, police denied President Tsvangirai from holding a rally in Nkayi, Matebeleland North.  Similar disruptions took place in Lupane on 28 October, Lupane despite the MDC being granted a peace order, in Binga on 29 October and 30 October in Victoria Falls.

There have been further disruptions of the Prime Minister’s government work programmes especially in Matebeleland North. We are concerned once more that these attacks are clearly meant to prevent our President and the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, Morgan Tsvangirai from addressing the people of Zimbabwe on key issues affecting the country.

Zimbabwe is in chaos.  Zanu PF is harvesting from its harvest of fears it planted in 2008 and the MDC is seriously concerned by the use of violence as Zimbabwe cannot have a free and fair election.

It is clear that Zanu PF and its junta are terribly frightened of free and fair elections and are engaging in these activities as a way to delay the elections.  Zanu PF is showing all signs of desperation.  Its actions are the acts of a regime that is in the late summer of its life.

What has happened over the past two weeks, bring to the fore the need to address all the outstanding issues on the roadmap to a free and fair election.These include the total eradication of all state sponsored violence; the return to the rule of law; security sector reforms and realignment; democratisation and opening up of the media space.

Once again, the MDC remains committed to non-violence and will not engage in any form of violence in its struggle for a better Zimbabwe.  We remain committed to non-violent democratic ways of achieving change.  Nothing will swerve us from this path. The MDC is ready for elections anytime once all the guarantees for a free and fair election are put in place.

The people’s struggle for real change: Let’s finish it!!

MDC Information & Publicity Department

ChipanganoChipangano gangChipangano groupChitungwiza hospitalMDC Information & Publicity DepartmentMDC-T Chitungwiza rallyMDC-T RallyMorgan TsvangiraiMorgan Tsvangirai rallyzanu pf chipanganoZanu PF militia
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