Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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Rita Makarau

Zimbabwe voters’ roll is unavailable

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is refusing to make available a copy of the country’s voters' roll citing a variety of excuses the latest of which is that “there is a technical fault in the equipment used to produce the roll.

Early vote raises fears of election chaos

HARARE - President Robert Mugabe's rivals said on Wednesday the chaotic organization of early voting for soldiers and police showed Zimbabwe was not ready for a July 31 general election in which more than six million people are registered…

Special voting ‘extended’ says ZEC

HARARE - Members of the security forces and election officials who could not vote under special voting on Sunday and Monday will be able to do so during normal polling on 31 July, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission chairperson, Justice Rita…

Soldiers, cops to vote on Sunday

HARARE - Soldiers and police officers — who in 2008 voted under the watchful eye of their commanders — will on Sunday and Monday exercise their democratic right to vote freely after electoral authorities removed polling stations from…

Mugabe allies trying to rig vote: PM

HARARE - The party of Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said thousands of dead people were still on the electoral roll only four weeks before a presidential election, accusing allies of President Robert Mugabe of trying to rig the…