Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio

Kagame fingered in assassination of Rwandan businessman in Zimbabwe

HARARE – A Rwandan national, Samuel Habimana, was brutally murdered in his home by armed robbers in Harare on Friday night.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the Rwandan community, with many believing it was an assassination orchestrated by the regime of President Paul Kagame in Kigali.

Habimana, a successful businessman who owned a transport company and a grocery shop, had just returned home around 10 pm when the gunmen struck.

His wife, son, and housekeeper were also present during the attack. The housekeeper had noticed four men lurking outside the perimeter wall and alerted the family, but before they could take any action, the robbers forced their way into the house using a crowbar.

One of the robbers fired a single shot, hitting Habimana in the neck, and he collapsed instantly. The robbers then searched his pockets and took an unknown amount of cash.

They also demanded money from his wife, who handed over US$60, and took her mobile phone, keys to the grocery shop, and the digital video recorder for the CCTV.

The Rwandan community is believed to be in terror, with many believing that Habimana’s murder was a targeted assassination.

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A member of the community, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Review and Mail that, “This was an assassination. They didn’t take anything from the house where he had US$3000, but only took away the CCTV recording device.”

Ansbert Nkundineza, a former Rwandan refugee and leading opposition figure in exile, condemned the attack.

“We have been receiving information about distressed Rwandan refugees for a while now, most are fearful of their own lives and those of loved ones from Rwandan operatives currently roaming the streets of Harare at large.”

Nkundineza called upon the government of Zimbabwe to ensure the safety of Rwandan refugees, as enshrined in the Geneva Convention, and urged the international community and the UNHCR to resettle refugees at high risk to safer countries.

He also appealed to the government of Rwanda to cease its transnational repressive activities and initiate dialogue with its critics.

The incident has raised diplomatic tensions, particularly as Zimbabwe is set to assume chairmanship of the Sadc regional body in August.

Rwanda’s military excursions in Eastern DRC have been condemned by the international community, and its alleged targeting of opponents abroad has sparked diplomatic fallout with countries like South Africa.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police have launched an investigation into the incident, but the Rwandan community remains fearful and vigilant, as one source said;

“We cannot prevent Zimbabwe from having good relations with Rwanda, but we are happy that the security services know what is going on and have been assisting us whenever we call them.”
