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Zuva Rekufa Kwangu

Remembering Chibadura’s last days

He was born John Chimukokoko, but many know him as John Chibadura — a stage name he earned because of his guitar prowess. Still a great among sungura musicians, the legend passed away in 1999 at the age of 42.Many remember him for songs like “Zuva Rekufa Kwangu”, “Rairai Vana”, “Rudo Runokosha” and “Pfuma Yenhaka” among many other hits.

Did Chibadura, Chimombe predict their deaths?

Before his death on August 4, 1999, John Chibadura wrote the song, “Zuva Rekufa Kwangu”. I remember asking John, when he penned that song in reggae, a genre which was different from his usual sungura beat: “Why are you predicting your own death? Are you about to die?