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Zimbabwe Independence

How ZANU PF killed independence!

By Tendai Ruben Mbofana

We have been ‘independent’ for the past 44 years, yet we are still treated as second-class citizens in our own country.

The vast majority of Zimbabweans are still living on the fringes of society where we are not sharing in the national cake.

The biggest pieces are still going to a small minority who are in the ruling elite.

They are the ones who live in vulgar opulence as they enjoy the fat of the land.

Zimbabwe at 38: Decades of Independence without freedom

Tererai Obey Sithole – I always try so hard to identify the positive steps which the Zimbabwean independence brought to its people. In the process of doing so, it appears to be so difficult to locate the significant differences between the colonial era and the post-colonial era.

Many may question why I say its hard to see the difference, that’s well acceptable but it is the purpose of this piece to enlighten the reader on the grounds of my submission. It is known that what motivated the liberation heroes to fight during the colonial era was the need to gain freedom.

Glimpses of Zimbabwe on its 37th Independence Day

Dear Family and Friends A few days ago, Zimbabwe commemorated its 37th anniversary of Independence. It would be easy to write a letter with all the facts and figures of the sad, shameful state we find ourselves and our country in. A letter about 90%unemployment and company closures, about 80% food imports and an economy […]

Them and Us

By Cathy Buckle Dear Family and Friends, Along the banks of the river a burning bush Combretum in full flower is a sight to behold in Zimbabwe in late September 2016. Crimson flowers cascading along overhanging branches, their splendor reflected in the water, almost takes your breath away. The days here start with a magnificent […]

Zimbabwe at 36 Years Old

Eddie Cross – 36 years ago on the 18th April 1980, I sat next to the podium in Rufaro Stadium in Harare along with 25 000 people and watched as the old Rhodesian flag came down and the new Zimbabwe flag was raised.

Mugabe makes speech as Zimbabwe marks 36th independence anniversary

President Robert Mugabe on Monday attended a ceremony to commemorate the nation’s 36 independence anniversary with a rallying call for Zimbabweans to unite and shun corruption. “One of the greatest tributes we can pay to Zimbabwe is to shun corruption, shun regionalism and avoid nepotism. Together we can transform our country and improve our welfare,” […]

Eddie Cross: Zimbabwe at 35

35 years ago on a mild April evening I sat behind the podium at Rufaro Stadium in Harare along with tens of thousands and watched the Rhodesian flag come down and be replaced by the new flag of Zimbabwe.