Zimbabwe News and Internet Radio
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Power restored after Zim-Zambia blackout

Power has been restored to most parts of Zimbabwe after a blackout that plunged the country and neighbouring Zambia to darkness for more than 20 hours on Friday. The Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA) attributed the blackout to…

Lost in smoke shivering in the dark & cold

By Cathy Buckle While the eyes of the world are on South Africa as it hosts the 2010 World Cup Football games, we are sitting here next door shivering in the dark and the cold. For the past four months we've been experiencing 16 hour a…

Power cuts worsen after plant shutdown

HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's state power utility ZESA Holdings has extended electricity cuts after a complete loss of generation at the Hwange thermal plant, the company said in a statement on Saturday. Most urban areas have for the past…

Shocking salaries for ZESA workers

By own correspondent Employees at the state owned power utility ZESA are raking in huge salaries while customers struggle with astronomical bills. Sources say a junior worker at the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply (Sometime) Authority is…

ZESA starts disconnections in Marondera

By Cathy Buckle After weeks of peculiarly warm weather which wasn't winter but wasn't summer, people had begun commenting that even the trees were confused! A large, old Msasa tree standing alone on an urban street corner suddenly dropped…