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ZANU PF thugs

Zanu PF thugs run amok

Zanu PF hoodlums yesterday ran amok in Chitungwiza where they injured several supporters of opposition Transform Zimbabwe (TZ) party who were on a clean-up campaign in the dormitory town.

Zanu PF thugs attack Tsunga volunteers

MUTARE – Three volunteers working for MDC-T parliamentary candidate Arnold Tsunga have been attacked in the Chikanga suburb of the city this evening. 15 Zanu PF thugs were allegedly behind the attack.

Zanu PF Chitungwiza violence in pictures

What started off as a cool Sunday turned bloody yesterday when dozens of MDC activists were seriously injured at Chibuku Stadium in Chitungwiza when suspected Zanu PF thugs descended on them. Using catapults, iron bars, machetes and stones, the thugs stormed the venue in the early hours of yesterday morning and attacked MDC activists who were preparing for a rally which was due later in the day.

Makone warns of Egypt style uprising in Zimbabwe

Co-Home Affairs Minister Theresa Makone has warned the Mugabe regime of an Egypt style uprising if they persist in provoking peace loving Zimbabweans. The MP for Harare North was reacting to the way ZANU PF thugs violently disrupted a scheduled rally in her constituency on Sunday.