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Zanu PF G40

Politburo rejects G40 bigwigs

The ruling party has all but shut its door on the majority of members of the Generation 40 (G40) faction who were seeking to re-join Zanu PF, nearly a year after they were given their marching orders.

Prof Jonathan Moyo lays into Grace Mugabe

SELF-exiled G40 cabalist Professor Jonathan Moyo yesterday tore into former First Lady Mrs Grace Mugabe while revealing a nasty fall out between the two that led to the latter blocking him from all her communication networks in June.

Zanu PF G40 faction on the ropes

GENERATION 40 (G40) — a faction battling for honours within the ruling party is having a rough time ahead of ZANU-PF’s annual conference scheduled for next month in Victoria Falls as it emerged this week that its plan to have the party’s constitution amended is up in smoke. The faction has been pushing hard for […]

Mahoso attacks Zanu PF G-40 faction

By Tafataona Mahoso Shadowy media platforms and faceless political formations have become essential in Western-sponsored psychological operations. The project ‘Operation Shumba’, discussed in the last instalment, as well as the so-called G40 are examples of such platforms and formations. What connects the so-called G40 to ‘Operation Shumba’ are not just the consistent and persistent attacks […]