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Youth Alliance for Democracy

Prof Moyo fast losing political flavour

The fly by night ZANU PF spin doctor Prof Jonathan Moyo is fast losing his political flavour in the current political dispensation due to many blunders writes independent political analyst George Makoni.

Youth Alliance on Women's Day

Youth Alliance for Democracy (YAD) joins the rest of the world in commemorating the International Women’s’ Day.  A day when, as declared by the United Nations General Assembly, the world takes into consideration the down-trodden status of the fairer sex. This year’s theme is Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities: Progress for ALL. This indeed is a […]

Christmas Message from Youth Alliance

Youth Alliance for Democracy staff, board and members wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2010. 2009 has been a year of mixed fortunes for the youths and the generality of Zimbabweans. The major highlight of the year was the formation of an inclusive government made up of ZANU PF and two MDC formations. […]

Ministry of Youth Loans an Uphill Task

The Ministry of youths Revolving Fund meant for loans to financially empower youths is now creating more problems than solved. The challenges are hinged around the tedious process. The pre-requisites are too many and they are beyond reach of many youths which include collateral and quotations. We received a complaint from one of our members […]

Youth Alliance on World Aids Day

Youth Alliance for Democracy joins the rest of the world in commemorating World Aids Day.1 December of every year has been set aside by United Nations General Assembly, to commemorate our departed kith and kin, the surviving affected and infected. The express purpose being to remind each other that HIV is a reality hence the […]

ZANU PF version of national healing

ZANU PF is demanding that national healing should be backdated to pre-colonial era since its supporters suffered physical, psychological and emotional victimization at the hands of the Smith regime. In a televised ‘outreach programme’ in Mkumbura, at the National Museums and monuments. At a mass grave, ZANU PF supporters where holding bones of dead people demanding […]

Congratulations Lucy Mazingi

Youth Alliance for Democracy joins fellow youth organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Civic Society Organizations in congratulating Lucy Mazingi in deservedly scooping the NGO director of the year award, proudly sponsored by Barclays Bank. She was handed the trophy at this year’s National Association of Non-Governmental Organizations summer school in Victoria Falls. Her notable contribution […]

Didymus Misses The Point: YAZ

We condemn in strongest terms the reference of Zimbabwe’s Prime-Minister as ‘a Savimbi of Zimbabwe’ by ZANU PF’s Didymus Mutasa. Jonasi Savimbi was an anti-Communist rebel leader who fought against the Movement of The People’s Liberation in Angola in the Angolan Civil war. This is a misguided, parochial and retrogressive statement given that Morgan is […]

Youth Alliance pressure govt on constitution

It is now over six months since the inception of the inclusive government and most of the issues towards the democratization of the nation are still unaddressed due to political fragility and lack of trust between three parties in government. Hence, due to this turmoil situation, the ensurity of the timely constitution is slugging down […]