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Wilfred Kushure

Vapositori response to Mugabe ‘education’ insult

We read with disdain President Robert Mugabe’s comments about Vapositori and their not being educated. The report came out in Zimbabwe’s Daily News online paper and we respond that once again Mugabe is wrong and exhibits very clear signs of cruelly moulded old age eating at the remainder of his dignity.

Mugabe win ‘prophecy’ not prophetic

I wish to comment on the story about a prophecy on a Mugabe win which came out in the Herald of April 22 2013. Johane Masowe/Masedza would not have agreed with the politicking 100 ‘prophets’ whose utterances are clearly cheap.

Johane Masowe preached against politics

My thinking has been persuaded by fellow church members who have raised voices against my writing about the church and its ‘hidden’ prophecies. This writing has also been prompted by political zealots who thought that I was sponsored to write against their party.

Zanu PF twisting Jowani Masowe prophecy

Politics is going on and everything around it is wilting. Once again we find ourselves a punching back of the ruthless and uncaring. Our condolences to the Maisiri family for the death of Christpowers. He was a Mupositori born and bred in an Apostolic family.