Browsing tag

white farmers

900 white farmers register for compensation

At least 900 white former commercial farmers who lost land during the country’s agrarian reform have registered for compensation as Government intensifies efforts to pay them for improvements they made on the farms.

Zimbabwe white farmers sue South Africa

In the early 2000s their farms were forcefully seized. Over 18 years later, Zimbabwe’s white farmers are still seeking compensation. Now they are suing South Africa for helping Robert Mugabe suppress their case.

ED defends white farmers’ compensation

President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday defended his government’s move to compensate white former commercial farmers for improvements on farmland seized during the 2000 fast-track land reform programme, saying the decision was a constitutional requirement.

Govt engages evicted white farmers

Evicted Zimbabwean white farmers that settled in Zambia have said they are willing to return home to help turn the country’s agricultural economy around under President Emerson Mnangagwa’s government.

Victory for white farmers in land case

Another victory has been won in the ongoing fight for justice for the unlawful land grab campaign, after the Zimbabwe government last week caved in to legal pressure to accept accountability.