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Zimbabwe in ‘arms for uranium’ pact with North Korea

President Robert Mugabe’s military henchmen have reportedly signed an arms trade agreement worth millions of dollars with North Korea, in return for allowing Pyongyang access to Zimbabwe’s controversial Kanyemba district, which has sparked a uranium mining race pitting Iran and other powers, Nehanda Radio has been told.

Why Iran wants to beef up Zimbabwe’s military

Both countries are subject to crushing Western-backed sanctions. Both condemned for their human rights records, and isolated from world politics. Small surprise, then, that Iran and Zimbabwe have a lot in common and recently announced a defense agreement.

US warns Zimbabwe over Iran nuclear deal

The United States government has warned Zimbabwe over its nuclear ties with Iran. Last week Zimbabwe’s Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi was in Tehran and came out in support of that country’s nuclear programme.

Zimbabwe will supply Iran with uranium

Zimbabwe’s Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi has said the Zanu PF part of their government is willing to work with Iran in extracting uranium resources meant for Tehran’s nuclear program.