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Todd Moss

Don’t whitewash Mugabe’s henchmen

Jeffrey Smith and Todd Moss – Mnangagwa is not the cartoon dictator of the past. He is savvier and knows how to play the international game. He has pledged to hold “free and fair” elections by late August and to revive a failed economy. A slick public relations and aggressive social media campaign have led to sympathetic press coverage and a warm reception in Davos.

Why bond notes can’t save Zimbabwe – and what ordinary citizens can do

By Tendai Biti and Todd Moss | Daily Maverick | The Zimbabwe dollar was abandoned in 2009 after the government ran the printing presses so wildly that the national currency became worthless. The country then adopted the US dollar as its currency. But, as of November 28, 2016, Zimbabwe has a new quasi-currency “bond note” that […]

World Bank accused of belittling Zimbabwe human rights abuses

By Ed Cropley Human rights groups slammed the World Bank on Thursday over an internal report on Zimbabwe that suggested it would be a sign of “political development” for the country if its poor human rights record did not get any worse. In the leaked July 27 document, seen by Reuters and reported by some […]