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Titus Maluleke

Zanu PF bigwigs booted out of Save Conservancy

Government has started kicking out Zanu-PF heavyweights and senior military officials from Save Valley Conservancy in Chiredzi after serving them with letters cancelling the 25-year leases they were issued under the wildlife-based land reform programme. Most beneficiaries in Save Valley were senior Zanu-PF politicians from Masvingo.

Count on Chiyangwa for a good chuckle

The Sunday Mail afforded its readers a peek into the psyche of excommunicated Anglican Bishop Nolbert Kunonga and it was not a pretty sight. The interview with Munyaradzi Huni revealed Kunonga’s disturbing delusion of grandeur.

Zanu PF Save Valley ‘looters’ named

Senior Zanu PF officials and securocrats who were given concessions in the famed Save Valley Conservancy, in a move that has divided the party and invited fresh threats of sanctions against the country, have been exposed.

Visibly sick Minister marries for the third time

Masvingo- Minister of Higher Education, Dr Stan Mudenge, tied the knot for the third time at his Bawa rural homestead in Chief Zimuto on Saturday, a wedding which was snubbed by Zanu (PF) big wigs. Mudenge’s second marriage was witnessed by President Mugabe.

Zanu PF ban of NGO’s in Zimbabwe self defeating

Despite three decades of independence coupled with deafening rhetoric of sovereignty, we don’t have the capacity to write our own supreme law without the benevolence of donors. For anybody in Zimbabwe to shut down NGOs on flimsy grounds is most deplorable or at least comical writes Moses Chamboko.

Zimbabwe bans 29 NGOs ahead of polls

Zimbabwe has suspended 29 non-governmental organisations in what has been described as a renewed clampdown on aid workers ahead of elections President Robert Mugabe wants held this year. A governor for Masvingo province said they had failed to submit certain paper work to his office.

Part 6 of the SW Radio Africa leaked CIO list

SW Radio Africa continues with Part 6 of the list of Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) agents working in and outside Zimbabwe. The document dated 2001 contains a list of state security agents working at that time. Some may have retired or passed away, but evidence has shown many are still serving.