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Terence Chimhavi

The tragedy of Zanu PF factionalism

By Terence Chimhavi A day after the historic Constitutional Court ruling that struck criminal defamation off the Zimbabwean statutes, it was interesting to note how the daily tabloids covered such a story, given how this particular piece of legislation had been used to victimize many a scribe especially those working for the independent press. But […]

The veiled lessons from the Zanu PF succession fiasco

By Terence Chimhavi They may have denied it more than a thousand times and still continue to do so; but the truth of the matter, now clear to most people including its staunchest and formerly-unblinking supporters, is that their collective failure to timeously attend to leadership succession is costing their party Zanu PF dearly. And […]

For Zanu PF, the chickens are coming home to roost

By Terence Chimhavi For a long time now, a lot has been said and written about factionalism in Zanu PF in relation to the contentious but inevitable issue of succession. In the past, all the speculation, insinuations and realities to emerge in this on-going saga have been flatly denied by the ruling party, being branded […]

Picking hope in the midst of political chaos

The political dynamics to engulf the country post the 2013 harmonized elections though depressing, present a lot of hope for those in pursuit of a more justiciable, socially accountable and democratic national order, if discerned from a more critical angle.

Fiddling while rome burns: Terence Chimhavi

Events in Zimbabwe since the start of 2014 have been intriguing as they have been agonizing for many, for one reasons or the other. The talk of town of course is around the factional fights manifesting in the various political outfits within our midst.

Copac a waste of time and resources

The misguided notion being peddled by many a politician in support of the Copac-led constitution-making process that the new charter will lead to free and fair elections should be quickly discarded writes Terence Chimhavi.