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Tafara Shumba

‘Clueless’ Mavhaire shames the cynics?

When President Robert Mugabe announced his cabinet soon after his party’s resounding victory in the July 2013 ballot, most people derisively laughed at the mention of Dzikamai Mavhaire as the Minister of Energy and Power Development. They thought he was a square peg in a round hole.

ZESA: No square pegs in round holes

The appointment of politicians as board members of Zesa Holdings and its nine subsidiaries has attracted vicious public backlash. The appointments were equated to corruption meant to benefit Zanu PF officials who are not in government.

Zimbabwe Parliament needlessly too big

I was one of the many people who viciously spoke against a brimming Parliament during COPAC’s outreach process of constitution making. I felt vindicated when I read in The Herald that Members of Parliament (MPs) were borrowing money in order to attend parliament sittings. What I highlighted then as the consequences of an overstuffed parliament are exactly what is unfolding.

Criminals must not be glorified

The funeral procession was held amid such pomp and fanfare one would be forgiven for mistaking it for a movie. Gunshots were a common sound, as the law enforcement agents tried to nab some of the wanted criminals who had come to bid farewell to one of their comrades-in-crime, Boris Mushonga.